
Pulling a Bunch of SQL Server and LINQ Links

A few of my assemblage of ‘funkykb’ links destined for my Funky Knowledge Base at should be pulled right now. These were taken in after I wrote some code and I can’t quite see the way—the spark that faded long after I was fired up about these technologies.

Here is the classic case of waiting too long to write notes about work. The following table defers:

“[Create a web service directly from Sql Server 2005 using an HTTP Endpoint](” I just *did* what’s described in this article. I can’t recall any funky details to add to my notes.
“[Using XML Serialization with SQL’s FOR XML PATH](” I should actually print this one out for musing.
“[Complementing XSD with CHECK constraints](” I’m almost sure I took this one in because this technique looks like a way to avoid using XPath assertions.
“[Mike Taulty’s Blog: LINQ to SQL and SqlConnection](” This is a lengthy, refined exploration that eventually leads to, “I like simple things so I’m going to stick with my basic law of “If it’s disposable, dispose of it’…”
“[How to: Write Queries on XML in Namespaces](” “To write a [LINQ] query on XML that is in a namespace, you must use `XName` objects that have the correct namespace.”
