
“Joel Spolsky is wrong about my work” and other links…

Kent Beck, Agile Forum 2006JUnit Max: “In a recent podcast, Joel Spolsky makes comments that make clear his lack of knowledge of what I do and what I say. His work has not afforded him the opportunity to evaluate the quantity or quality of my work as a programmer. The second edition of Extreme Programming Explained, Implementation Patterns and my recent work on Responsive Design are not checklists. …I would rather not respond, but if I don’t then public perception becomes what he says by default. He has worked hard to become famous, but he hasn’t figured out that along with notoriety comes responsibility. He is a bright, experienced guy and certainly capable of more accurate, thoughtful, and constructive conversation.”

“An Open Letter to Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood” “I understand that this was a podcast, and that you were both just jawing. However, your podcasts are a product that you ship to everyone in the world. The content of that product can do great good; but it can also do great and permanent harm. One would think that you’d want to be careful with such a product. Yet in the intensity of the moment you got a bit careless and spewed some crap instead. That’s fine, everybody makes mistakes. But then you shipped it! You shipped a product that had a huge bug in it. You should have had tests!”

“What 2 questions would you ask Kent Beck?”

ISerializable: “If you had an hour to talk with Kent Beck, a proud father of eXtreme Programming, and you could only ask two questions, what would you ask? …I'll be interviewing Kent as part of my audio interview series this week. I promise to take into consideration any good questions that come up in the comments. One of the things we plan to talk about is the whole notion of ‘BDUF’ (‘Big Design Up Front’) in agile projects, and we'll also touch on the column that Joel On Software wrote on this subject (and all the responses to it).”
