
“Zend Framework 1.9.0 Preview Release Now Available” and other links…

Buy this Book at! “Zend_Rest_Route, Zend_Rest_Controller, and Zend_Controller_Plugin_PutHandler, which aid in providing RESTful resources via the MVC layer. …Zend_Feed_Reader, which provides a common API to RSS and Atom feeds, as well as extensions to each format, caching, and a slew of other functionality. …Zend_Queue and Zend_Service_Amazon_Sqs, which provide the ability to use local and remote messaging and queue services for offloading asynchronous processes. …Zend_Db_Table updates to allow using Zend_Db_Table as a concrete class by passing it one or more table definitions via the constructor. …Several new view helpers, including Zend_View_Helper_BaseUrl.”


A.J. Brown: “Zend_Service_PayPal is a Zend Framework interface to the PayPal on-line payment service, through PayPal’s exposed APIs. Initially, it is intended to support the lighter PayPal Name-Value Pairs (NVP) interface. Additionally, Zend_Service_PayPal will provide smaller "utility" classes for sending special requests to PayPal (eg. Payment Data Transfer requests) or receiving Instant Payment Notification messages from PayPal.”

“Zend Framework Page Caching: Part 1: Building A Better Page Cache”

Maugrim The Reaper: “It uses a lot of memory and CPU and that gets worse when PHP is called upon.…The next optimisation level therefore is avoiding PHP and/or Apache completely. If we can remove PHP from the equation, our Apache processes will use less memory. If we can remove even Apache from the equation we save even more. By relying on PHP to retrieve cached pages, neither of these is possible without some drastic change. …On a related note, one growing strategy to avoid Apache is to offload requests for static resources (images, css, etc.) onto a more efficient HTTP server which uses less memory and CPU than Apache. Only requests needing PHP would then go through Apache. Apache is already fast, but it's not the fastest! Two common choices for alternative HTTP servers are lighttpd and nginx.”
