
“Silverlight 3 Beta install experience for users” and other links…

Miguel De Icaza playing games at work on his mac.

Tim Heuer: “If the user has no previous version of Silverlight installed at all, they’ll be presented with whatever your default ‘not installed’ experience is.  If you’ve don nothing to customize this, shame on you :-).  The default Visual Studio templates will simply provide you with a static image. …If the user has any released version of Silverlight (1.0 or 2), the experience they see at your beta sample will be driven off of two properties as you instantiate the plugin: minRuntimeVersion and autoUpgrade.” The catch (for me) here is that Miguel de Icaza has not responded to this article (even after the release of Silverlight 3), adding Moonlight to these scenarios. On my out-of-date, Ubuntu VM (6.0.6) I have the latest version of Moonlight running but too many Silverlight sites do not seem to be looking for Linux.

Silverlight Database on “This project implements a Isolated Storage (IsolatedStorage) based database for Silverlight. The usage of this software is very simple. You create a new database by Calling CreateDatabase. You can add tables to the database by calling db.CreateTable<T> where T is the type of entity to be stored in table rows. You can save database by calling Save, and open the database by calling OpenDatabase. This database supports version changes, so you can update your application and still be able to open the database. You can look for basic use of this database by examining test Silverlight application. Encryption and compression have been implemented; just provide a password to use encryption. Compression is based on SharpZipLib—you will have all the rights specified under that project.”

System.Windows.Documents.Serialization Namespace()

MSDN: “Plug-in serializers can only be used with full trust applications. …When called by the application, the plug-in serializer runs in the same thread as the application and can only access elements created within the application thread. When designing a custom plug-in serializer, it is important to properly handle all possible error conditions. A failure within a plug-in serializer can cause an application to fail.” Carl Franklin introduced this to me in .NET Rocks #419.

Document Serialization Sample

MSDN: “The Document Serialize sample shows how to serialize a document to an external file in one of several popular formats: flow document XAML, HTML, RTF, plain text, WordXML, or XPS. …When the application starts, selecting "File | Open..." displays the "Open Flow Document" dialog that allows you to choose a XAML flow document that you wish to open (several .xaml flow documents are provided in the sample \Content folder).”

Flow Document Overview

MSDN: “Flow documents are designed to optimize viewing and readability. Rather than being set to one predefined layout, flow documents dynamically adjust and reflow their content based on run-time variables such as window size, device resolution, and optional user preferences. In addition, flow documents offer advanced document features, such as pagination and columns. This topic provides an overview of flow documents and how to create them.”
