
Songhay.Data Status

The horrible news is the discovery that something converted all code files out of UTF-8 to ASCII. This was revealed to me when a possible employer could not compile my code for errors related to LatinGlyphs.cs. A PowerShell script is now in my toolset that converts text files. Nevertheless, each file had to be checked by hand for glyph loss.

I am almost sure that it was something running in Visual Studio—maybe that Team Foundation Server client crap—did this mass conversion. It is also possible that Visual Studio 2008 before or after some Service Pack did the dirty deed. This little problem could have cost me a job.

The next move here is to my update projects with the new/old UTF-8 code. By the way, I do not connect to directly from Visual Studio. I have a somewhat elaborate PowerShell script that copies by Visual Studio ‘live’ code to a staged ‘public’ project folder. The script also preserves/uses tf.exe commands to do the dirty work.


The NetNamedPipeBinding binding feature in WCF will be exploited to formalize the service orientation of the Data Activity Runner. Named pipes allow me to work with WCF without opening ports all over the place (a trivial psychological barrier but a barrier nonetheless).

I get the idea that WCF services should be controlled through WPF-based applications that minimize to the System Notification Area.

Other Issues

  • Songhay.Data.Activity.KinteWriteHits has to be redesigned to harmonize with advances in Songhay.Data.Ssrs.Log.
  • I’m almost certain that Songhay.Data.GenericWeb.Procedure.KinteSpace needs a shared (external?) resource file—which I assume can be shared with other projects. Using a shared Resource file should be better than ‘sharing’ individual resource items by linking.
  • Work on Songhay.Data.Linq.GenericWeb.* needs a revival…
  • By the way, it should be possible to build the namespace Songhay.Extensions.Xml and use XmlUtility stuff for extension methods. This looks like a graceful way to use .Net 3.0 features without needlessly deprecating the past.
