
Cairngorm (Flex framework) and a few others…

"The Controller is the most sophisticated part of the Cairngorm architecture. The Controller layer is implemented as a singleton FrontController. The FrontController instance, which receives every View-generated event, dispatches the events to the assigned Command class based on the event's declared type. …The Command class then processes the event by running the Command class' execute() method, which is an ICommand interface method. The event object may include additional data if required by the developer. The execute() method can update the central Model, as well as invoke a Service class which typically involves communication with a remote server. The IResponder interface, which is also implemented by the Command class, includes onResult and onFault methods to handle responses returned from the invoked remote service." This framework sounds like a Tolkien vocabulary word! When I heard it first being said on The Flex Show I had no idea what they were talking about!

"MariaDB versus MySQL" "In most respects MariaDB will work exactly as MySQL; all commands, interfaces, libraries and APIs that exist in MySQL also exist in MariaDB."

"Top 10 technology skills"Network World: "8. Web development…"
