
FunkyKB: “Optimizing WPF Application Performance” and other highlights…

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This section is intended as a reference for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application developers who are looking for ways to improve the performance of their applications. If you are a developer who is new to the Microsoft .NET Framework and WPF, you should first familiarize yourself with both platforms. This section assumes working knowledge of both, and is written for programmers who already know enough to get their applications up and running.” I’ll probably need to print this one…

mc:Ignorable Attribute

mc:Ignorable only applies to namespace mappings to identifier strings. mc:Ignorable does not apply to namespace mappings into assemblies, which specify a CLR namespace and an assembly (or default to the current executable as the assembly).”

ScrollViewer Overview

“You must build a custom object in order to use the ScrollBar element for content scrolling. However, you can use the ScrollViewer element by itself because it is a composite control that encapsulates ScrollBar functionality.”

“Physical scrolling is used to scroll content by a predetermined physical increment, typically by a value that is declared in pixels. Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next item in the logical tree. Physical scrolling is the default scroll behavior for most Panel elements. WPF supports both types of scrolling.”

WPF SplitContainer “Windows Forms has a very handy SplitContainer control that you can use to resize two child panels. In WPF world we’re out of the luck—we must use Grid and GridSplitter which is not [intuitive], and most importantly, can only data binding to a collection of children instead of the fixed number of 2. As we all know, data binding is the bridge between Model and View in WPF, and the greatest part (at least from my point of view) is the [separation] of Model and View (or named as business logic and presentation).”
