
Flippant Remarks about “Sorry Successful Black Women, but Most of Ya’ll Ain’t as Cute as You Think”

My imaginary ex-girlfriend, Brown Sugar, wrote “Sorry Successful Black Women, but Most of Ya’ll Ain’t as Cute as You Think”:

A simple fact that too many black women over look is that powerful, successful men like beautiful women. Having a beautiful woman on his arm connotes power. It signals to the world that he is the man and the woman on his arm is the living breathing beautiful proof of his man-ness. Now this gets a little tricky if the man in question is in politics or some other very public high powered position. That man needs a woman who is going to play the role of high powered wife well and that may trump looks…for his wife. You best [believe] his mistress will be a stunner.

And he will have a mistress.

Dating at the top of the food chain is cutthroat, dog eat dog, and if you’re not coming with the right weaponry, and for women that means stunning looks, it’s going to be a tough row to hoe. There’s no getting around that, no matter how much we may want it not to be true.

Helena AndrewsMy girl wrote this article about the self-described “mean” woman, Helena Andrews. Her memoir with the word “bitch” in the title is on sale near you. So now that I’ve laid out the context of today’s rasx() context, here’s the jumble for your neuro-melanized right-brain to sort out:

  • Here is more harsh truth that Brown Sugar will agree with: too many “successful” women are not physically attractive—and this is often the reason why they are “successful.” Often the rule is this: “successful” women retreated from their bodies and thrive in a world of ideas while attractive women “genetic celebrities” are forced to live in their bodies. No Christian nation in the world forces women more than the United States of America.

  • One common trait of retreating from the physical body (for both men and women) is to overeat and take no exercise. Often, too, too often this is the only reason why “successful” women are not attractive (to me).

  • The “top of the dating food chain” is relative—not absolute. To imply that there is one “chain” means mental bondage leading into a velvet-covered slave pen—or we are talking about a high school lunch room or the only night club in town.

  • When a woman (like Helena Andrews) is being “mean” during an encounter, this is often an impatient, pre-emptive strike against the possibility of rejection.

  • The fear of rejection is often seen by me as a lack of courage—and my lack of sexism here often, ironically unwelcome: I fully expect women to be brave.

  • Trying to navigate around the insecurities of women can cost a do-right man hundreds of thousands of dollars—and maybe even his life. I am gravely serious about this as I have the cherished relatives in my family to prove it.

  • “Successful” women are often competitive—even when it is unnecessary, like in a relationship with a do-right man.

  • I cannot afford to f’ around with a woman that is just attractive. I have three children to consider—and movie tickets are off the chain!

  • Read “My Theory of Girl Chasing”…### Related Links

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