
“JavaScriptMVC 3.0: Good To Go!” and other links…

Article Tweeted from Chris Sells: “Despite JavaScriptMVC’s tight integration, we’ve long understood that some people might not be able to use the entire framework. With 3.0, every part works standalone. So no matter the project, you can start benefitting from JavaScriptMVC’s goodies.” I ran into this MVC-in-JavaScript concept while doing an odd job for a magazine company (actually a B-to-B media company). I admit that I laughed at it but with Chris Sells tweeting about this maybe something else is going on…

“Loading Javascript Modules”

Article Tweeted from Chris Sells: “Sooner or later, every Javascript developer encounters the Module Pattern. It isn’t always used for modules in the conventional sense, but even when it is used for modules, the files in which those modules reside are still often loaded by carefully hand-listing script-elements, in dependency order, in a HTML page. I have just been through the process of moving one of my own projects from a naive file-as-module project structure (with implicit dependencies and explicit loading) to a structure with explicit modules, explicit import/export dependencies and automated loading in dependency order.”

“jQuery Templates—{Supported Tags} ”

Hajan Selmani: “I have started with Introduction to jQuery Templates, then jQuery Templates - tmpl(), template() and tmplItem() functions. In this blog we will see what supported tags are available in the jQuery Templates plugin. …”

“Lettering.js—A jQuery plugin for radical web typography.”

What’s the catch? I find this too “good” to be true. IE8 renders the samples poorly. Moment: “Same origin policy”

“The concept of same origin policy dates back to Netscape Navigator 2.0. Close derivatives of the original design are used in all current browsers and are often extended to define roughly compatible security boundaries for other web scripting languages, such as Adobe Flash, or for mechanisms other than direct DOM manipulation, such as XMLHttpRequest. …JSONP is a popular cross-domain alternative to XMLHttpRequest (Ajax).” By the way, the absence of JSON support in jFeed makes it kind of not useful to me.


“The way JSONP works is simple, but requires a little bit of server-side cooperation. Basically, the idea is that you let the client decide on a small chunk of arbitrary text to prepend to the JSON document, and you wrap it in parentheses to create a valid JavaScript document (and possibly a valid function call).”

“JSONP: JSON With Padding”

Michael Mahemoff: “So this is where JSON with Padding comes in. Bob wants to make these remote scripts more flexible, so a client can control how they work. Under the proposal, our script would simply tell the remote script what to output before the data object.”
