
“HTML 5 Parsing” and other marked up links…

John Resig: “One of the biggest wins of the HTML 5 recommendation is a detailed specification outlining how parsing of HTML documents should work. For too many years browsers have simply tried to guess and copy what others were doing in hopes that their parser would work well enough to not cause too many problems with HTML markup found in the wild.”

“jQuery 1.5 RC 1 Released”

John Resig: “We want to encourage everyone from the community to try and get involved in contributing back to jQuery core. We’ve set up a full page of information dedicated towards becoming more involved with the team. The team is here and ready to help you help us!”

“PHP 5.3.5 and 5.2.17 Released!” “The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.3.5 and 5.2.17. This release resolves a critical issue, reported as PHP bug #53632 and CVE-2010-4645, where conversions from string to double might cause the PHP interpreter to hang on systems using x87 FPU registers. The problem is known to only affect x86 32-bit PHP processes, regardless of whether the system hosting PHP is 32-bit or 64-bit. You can test whether your system is affected by running this script from the command line. All users of PHP are strongly advised to update to these versions immediately.”

“Creating PHP Websites with WebMatrix”

Brian Swan: “As I read those posts (and others), I was left wondering about the extent of PHP support in WebMatrix (which is what I’ll look at in this post). As it turns out, PHP is fully supported, but it requires a little bit of work up front in this beta release of WebMatrix (a smoother experience for PHP developers is planned for the final release). If you want to work on any of the PHP applications that are available in the Web Application Gallery, the experience is very smooth—just follow Ruslan's blog post. However, if you just want to see how WebMatrix works as a PHP IDE for building your own sites (and you don’t want to install one of the PHP apps in the app gallery), then here’s what to do…”

“jQuery Performance Tips And Tricks—A Free 30 Minute Talk”

Addy Osmani: “Hey guys. Today we’re going to take a look at best practices, tips and tricks for improving the performance of your jQuery code. Performance optimization is a crucial aspect of building ‘snappy’ client-side applications and something which all developers using jQuery should bare in mind.”

“Announcing HTML5 Labs”

Jim O’Neil: “As you hopefully know by now, despite the hype, HTML 5 is not a completed specification. In fact, back in 2008, the author of the specification, Ian Hickson, estimated HTML 5 wouldn’t be a Proposed Recommendation until 2022! Indeed, the W3C site shows there are still significant aspects of the HTML 5, CSS 3, DOM and other specifications being fleshed out – just take a look at the ‘warning’ in every W3C Working Draft: Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable.”

“HTML Video Codec Support in Chrome”

Mike Jazayeri: “We expect even more rapid innovation in the web media platform in the coming year and are focusing our investments in those technologies that are developed and licensed based on open web principles. To that end, we are changing Chrome’s HTML5 <video> support to make it consistent with the codecs already supported by the open Chromium project. Specifically, we are supporting the WebM (VP8) and Theora video codecs, and will consider adding support for other high-quality open codecs in the future. Though H.264 plays an important role in video, as our goal is to enable open innovation, support for the codec will be removed and our resources directed towards completely open codec technologies.”

“Guide to Bing Query Language Published” “Bing offers several ways to augment a basic Bing query. For the most part, we’ve talked about using the Bing API to tailor requests. However, there is another tool that you can use in either an API request or a Bing box: Advanced Query Language. We’ve just published an extensive list (with descriptions and examples) of the operators, or syntactical units, that comprise this language.”

“The Future of HTML 5”

Bruce Lawson video: “Full transcription available at We’d like to say a HUGE thank you to @joeloverton for doing this transcription!”


“Have you ever wanted to do if-statements in your CSS for the availability of cool features like border-radius? Well, with Modernizr you can accomplish just that!”
