
Songhay Studio Index Fully Deployed

Simplify, simplify, simplify… feels great… my local development server and my public site, are using the same ASP.NET MVC site now. This site is my “Studio Index”—a centralizing list of projects underway. Certainly, a posh visual artist with an art dealer on speed dial has the same sort of thing going on—but surely they can leave the “indexing” to the “assistants.” My assistant is digital.

Tracking “private” projects/sites in my local environment was one of the challenges in front of getting this chore done. These entries had to be hidden from the public Studio index for security reasons. My present response to this challenge adds a category called “private” to my OPML file driving the index system. My MVC controller can now see this new category and ignore and OPML outline marked private.

So here’s the private index display (with my local server info scrambled):

Songhay Studio Index (Private)And here’s the public version:

Songhay Studio Index (Public)I’m sure there’s room for improvement here but since I don’t have an assistant I have to move on to actually work on projects—instead of working on something to help track projects! Argh! The comedy!

Making this small change revealed to me one of my typical silly mistakes: I found out that I wasn’t supporting the OPML private attribute of the outline element. What’s cool is fixing this issue without spending hours—or days—away from the original issue. Feels great…
