
NOK: My First Serious Indulgence in Speculation

Qt50 shares of Nokia were ordered with my IRA today [2/20]. The playful speculation here is that Nokia will become a Microsoft company. Dudes like Paul Thurrott call for Microsoft to split into separate companies. In my ridiculousness, I’m saying that Microsoft’s expanding relationship with Nokia is Ballmer’s way of “splitting” into two companies. I sound silly don’t I? I am unable to articulate why this Microsoft-Nokia thing is different than, say, a Microsoft-Intel thing from salad days past—but it is…

The “right” people “hate” Microsoft so much that Nokia’s stock has dropped. So I’ve bought a dead company—or I’ve bought a stock at a ‘discount’ that will either recover from its Microsoft madness—or I’ve bought into the future of Silverlight and one of the greatest mobile tooling innovations ever known to mankind.

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