
Culture/Society Links

Buy this book at!Intact tomb found in Egypt’s Valley of Kings” refers to an “18th Dynasty” tomb of the “New Kingdom.” This is “exciting” for people like the author of Not out of Africa because, by this time, Egypt has been overrun by so many invaders not from Africa that the bodies in that tomb are very likely to computer-simulate Boy George very well.

Contemporary Nigerian writing—reading list I” from uknaija can’t go unread by the readers of the kinté space.

A former Czech army doctor convicted of shooting dead Nigeria’s consul to Prague after falling prey to fraudsters has been spared his full jail term.” I can’t tell you how many times some geek out there slips in a spam or phishing joke that refers to Nigerians. Any DotNetRocks fans out there? It is interesting that the Nigerians get the brunt of this attack. These jokes have never been funny to me.

vektorika magazine is out there. It deserves mention…

Ayo is one of the many African names of the African peoples that play this game. When I was child in the 1970s here in Los Angeles I used to see these games lying around quite a bit. Now I don’t see them at all—except on the Internet. Yes!

Doreen Baingana reminds us that “Our stories aren’t all tragedies.” Evidently, Dave Chappelle on Oprah suggests that it took 50 million U.S. dollars for him to realize the negative side affects of cartoon drawings of African suffering. Does Doreen have 50 million too?
