
Experian Robbed Me with Predatory UX

Buy this book at! I was too emotionally unstable to think of searching online for reviews of Experian. This further compounded the non-consciously effortless pounding I have been getting from the mother of my youngest child. I found out a few weeks ago that when my daughter was taken to Cedars Sinai Hospital last year a bill went unpaid and Cedars turned it over to a collection agency. That bill was only about $217.

My daughter was taken to the hospital by her mother and my daughter is protected under my medical insurance. This means I am financially vulnerable to the mother of my daughter. The series of events that effectively ‘ruined’ a spotless credit record shows, again, how powerful and influential a third party can be when the first party (that’s me bitches) behaves responsibly. To this very day, I have always been a responsible proactive party when it comes to fatherly finances. And time and time again, my responsible behavior has been ‘answered’ with “fuck you”… I understand very, very well this niggardly, childish, selfish, multi-cultural, “fuck you” outlook and I will never use it as an excuse to abandon my children.

The major difference between my whining about this and other father-dudes out there is that I do not blame others for being who they are. The mother of my daughter never deceived me. She deceived herself—and I should have been sensitive and creative enough to understand this little loophole about people (especially traditionally oppressed people). I also played the typical young man’s game of gambling in poverty. I took the gamble of trusting people with things, principalities and powers they did not (and will never understand) based on my black optimism, inexperience and ignorance. I knew from the beginning of my adulthood that I was surrounded by and deeply embedded in poor people. This poverty situation is what it means to be Black in the Americas. And I failed time and time again to understand the depths of this poverty (especially on the metaphysical level) as it cripples and infects my people.

Experian itself is carefully designed to take advantage of this profound poverty. Experian will send you a clear confirmation about cancelling their useless “premium” services but will conceal your enrollment in their seven-day “free” trial UX (user experience design). This is how the mistake-based economy keeps us poor people poor. Experian effectively stole about $20 from me. They have done this to millions of people, surely.

And, yes, I did call Experian and asked for a refund. And, yes, Experian refused to give me a refund. And, yes, it would be awesome of me to be involved in some kind of class-action lawsuit against Experian. And, yes, it would be great to fund some grass-roots organization to lobby Washington about regulating predatory behavior of financial institutions. But from my African-centered, metaphysical view of the inner world, Experian would never have touched me were it not for the profound low-self-esteem of a highly educated black woman.

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