
Monalisa in Alhambra

Monalisa Whitaker in AlhambraThe image at right is a snapshot of MonaLisa Whitaker, the heart and soul of the Los Angeles Collective, marking her month-long stay in Spain. This picture is a gate in Alhambra, the home of The Moors.

My encouragement for her is to set up something on and look into Blog writing—just for a teeny second—to share her world with us peeps in the wired world. In the mean time, you dig her work here in “Mona Lisa Whitaker: A Treatise on Creating Art” and “Mona Lisa Whitaker: Untitled.”

Also: Her hair plays a cameo role in one of the earliest Internet-based African motion pictures, Ramona Africa: 1992, now re-released for Check out the “Vanessa & Patty” track.
