
Today’s .NET Links

“How to run PowerShell scripts from C#”

The Code Project’s “How to run PowerShell scripts from C#” by Jean-Paul Mikkers: “This article contains a bare-bones sample on how to add powershell scripting to your C# programs.”

“Everything in Active Directory via C#”

The Code Project’s “Howto: (Almost) Everything In Active Directory via C#”: “This article attempts to tie together the most commonly used elements involved in Active Directory Management in the simplest, most clean manner possible.”

Buy this book at!“The most complete C# Webbrowser wrapper control”

The Code Project’s “The most complete C# Webbrowser wrapper control”: “A C# (.NET 2.0) control which creates, hosts, and offers advanced customization such as dragdrop, file downloads, HTTP/S header viewing, and much more.”

“Syntax of the Res: Protocol”

Yet, again, the temptation to resort to the res: protocol came and went. This temptation is unnecessary in the world of WPF.

“Writing a raw web service using an HttpHandler”

Mike Hadlow: “It’s pretty straightforward to write a web service using an HttpHandler to grab the raw SOAP envelope. The IHttpHandler interface is the core endpoint interface for anything that handles a web request in .net.”

Windows Environment Variables Manager

Vladislav Setchin at “Environment Variables Manager (EnvMan) is a tool written in C# .Net intended to handle the administration of Windows Shell Environment Variables. It is designed to replace Control Panel System Environment Manager and easily manage long variable values.”

“XML Options in Microsoft SQL Server 2005”

This one needs to be printed out and filed for reference.

“Application Management Overview”

This one (for Windows Presentation Foundation) needs to be printed out and filed for reference.

Styling and Templating in Windows Presentation Foundation

This one needs to be printed out and filed for reference. This issue is important to me because OverridesDefaultStyle, Setter Property="Template" and ContentPresenter were all needed to make an image button with a transparent background.

“New "Orcas" Language Feature: Anonymous Types”

From Scott Guthrie: “Anonymous types are a convenient language feature of C# and VB that enable developers to concisely define inline CLR types within code, without having to explicitly define a formal class declaration of the type.”

IIS 6.0 Needs

The following IIS 6.0 links are removed from my account and stored here for a possible future need (IIS7 should make this moot!): “Configuring the .NET Framework 2.0 Using IIS 6.0,” “David Wang : HOWTO: Enumerate IIS website configuration (VBScript using ADSI)” and “TechNet: Security Guidance for IIS.”

Silverlight Developer Resource-a-rama

Back in May of 2007, Robert Burke showed interest in Silverlight: “I’ve been absorbing Silverlight from the perspective of a developer who wants to use .NET code to build Silverlight applications.”
