
The CBS Poll is in ladies: there’s a one in three chance that you were a complete idiot…

POLL: Third Of All Women Wouldn't Marry Same ManSurely, when pressed this CBS poll, “POLL: Third Of All Women Wouldn’t Marry Same Man,” is for entertainment purposes only. But those who find entertainment in these questionable numbers are forgetting about the children that may be born of such poll results. This poll immediately reminded me of my infamous Blog post, Flippant Remarks about “Getting the Love You Want”.

One woman and her dogSo, calling one in three ladies a ‘complete idiot’ may be more brutal Roman, ironic entertainment, coming from this self-described African. This makes me want to apologize for my apparent bitterness and apparent sarcasm in this and other sentences. Surely, I must be hurt and am lashing out with animal savagery covered with a thin veneer of civility. Oh… Boo hoo… the ladies now have another child’s feelings to attend to… So let me encourage you women to stop “caring” about the feelings of others and take the time to search yourselves. What follows are a series of my male assertions that you can take or leave—and leave again:

  • A Woman and Her DogOne in three women will not marry the same man again because they got married not for their true self—a model of self that is built to last. Too many women (like too many males) are children of divorce and run almost on autopilot trying to fulfill unmet childhood needs as adults. This may sound like I’m joking but no: some women get into relationships as a monumental confrontation against a model of a man that is their supposed asshole father. The hidden agenda is to conquer her alleged asshole father by subjugating her clear-and-present asshole man. This is why you often hear us “nice guys” whining about being overlooked, abused and ignored by some (too many) women. We fail to resemble the model of the asshole man that is worth fighting for... For these warlike women, there is no “love” without fighting. It’s the roughneck American way…
  • One in three women will not marry the same man again because they escaped from their divorce-ridden childhood and married a guy that was too sweet and too nice—you know what I mean? Down low? Somewhere?
  • Beautiful woman; walking the dogOne in three women will not marry the same man again because her “mother instincts” became fused and confused with her sexual urges and she ended up marrying a dependent. The sight of a man who knows how to take care of himself (and perhaps other adults quite well) provokes a reaction that ranges from ignorant ambivalence to extreme insecurity and hatred with an intensity of sibling rivalry between a prized son and a neglected daughter. So marrying a punk-bitch man provides some women with a level of control in the same manner that dog license owners often control the pet dog(s) they deeply love. However, dogs may rebel against smothering love—and dog keepers often get bored with the same submissive routine.
  • Of course, there is the progressive model of relationship building and not wanting to marry the same man again simply means that the woman has grown as a person. (Insert sound effect of Tinker Bell waving her wand.)
  • And of course an elite core of women marry for carefully crafted strategic reasons that may seem completely consuming to a poor but pretty girl from a trailer park working a cash register. But eventually she can actually tire of material gains and divorce her greed never to marry it again.Everything said about females in this Blog post applies to males (except, to me, fewer males have an asshole mother they want to conquer—the model of male conquest is different in this patriarchal society). And it must be said that I can only hope the hope of a captive that what has been written here applies to these peculiar people living in the United States of America. Now let’s all fade out singing that Disney Negro spiritual, “When you wish upon a star…”
