
Global E-Litism

Buy this book at! Gili Drori is interviewed at by Dr. Moira Gunn. One of the many important things she says is that there are “traditionally underdeveloped” peoples of the world who are now active users of “high” technology. But these same people are not innovators of the technology. And of course our ugly teenaged millionaires pretending it’s a whiz kid world will assume that this condition is “natural”—that these oppressed peoples are incapable of innovation. This is one of the thick pillars of white liberalism supporting Negroes of all colors all over the world to wallow in mediocrity and preoccupy themselves with meaningless details.

One of the annoying talking points in this conversation is the question of whether “we” should “bring” or “give” digital technologies to “remote” rural peoples. This missionary question should be discarded and replaced with a call to remove any barriers that prevent the spread of technology. A short conversation with John Taylor Gatto should inform any non-fascist that there is no education of “the less fortunate”—most of this “bringing” and “giving” invariably leads to miseducation—the binding ligaments of a ‘religious’ experience.
