
Publishing and Health Links

  • Deen Ipaye launches AfriKania, “Featuring music from Africa and the African diaspora, plus other music of African origin not commonly played on commercial radio.”
  • Poet Laureate Tsegaye is of the generation—numbering a dozen or so who are extant—of Ethiopian men of letters who were born during the crucible of the Fascist invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930’s.”
  • “Born in Cameroon in 1929, Francis Bebey was educated in Douala, Paris, and the U.S., receiving his degree from the Studi-école de la Radiodiffusion Outre-Mer, Paris. In addition to Bebey’s accomplishments as a poet, playwright, and novelist, Bebey is an accomplished musician with over half a dozen CDs. In 1968 Bebey won the Grand Prix Littéraire de l’Afrique Noire for his novel Le Fils d'Agatha Moudio. Shortly thereafter, he took a job in Paris working for the information service of UNESCO.”
  • “D-Lenolate” Olive Leaf Extract: “The therapeutic value of elements within the olive leaf has been known and studied for hundreds of years. Research scientists know of its pathogen killing powers and the body’s reaction to these elements.”
  • eCPM is a bit of industry shorthand that seems here to stay. You’ve seen it listed in your AdSense reports; it means, ‘effective cost per thousand impressions.’ So how is eCPM calculated, you ask?”
  • “Electronic Standard Book Number (ESBN) is the unique identifier of electronic content and media. ESBNs are recognized worldwide by electronic publishing companies and electronic content providers.”
  • Wikipedia satisfies some curiosity I had about the The Criterion Collection.
