
Loading Flash MX Data across Domains (Domain Names Pointing to the Same IP Address)

Back in August of 2002 Macromedia last updated “External data not accessible outside a Macromedia Flash movie’s domain.” Well, after four years, I am finally getting the message. There was a serious bug in our wonderful Audio Application that had me wondering why our Angela Davis numbers were so low. It turns out that our XML audio meta-data was not being loaded. This caused empty boxes to display and certainly left thousands wondering what the hell is going on here in the kinté space. Macromedia explains:

A company has a web site loads Flash data from its own domain. However, they discover a movie on their site is no longer able to access a file, even though the file is located in the same domain.

It’s determined that the URL the Flash movie attempts to access is located on, which fails when accessed from While the creator of the Flash movie did not think much of this oversight, the Flash Player 7 determines that—since the “www” prefix is omitted—this must be treated as a unique and therefore prohibited domain.

Another complication to this problem is not all users are experiencing this behavior because some are accessing the site using, while others type out the full URL in their web browser.

So Flash Player 7 (and above—I hope) can look for a “policy file” called crossdomain.xml and make it all better. We are pretty sure the bug is fixed. Test it out for us…
