
Stumbling through Wiki Links

So I wanted to know real quick what the hell is out there for wiki solutions. This probably came from the soulful Mr. Hanselman. I’m pretty sure he heaped minutes of praise on tiddlywiki but respect for my Tidy FireFox plugin showed me very quickly that Scott is cool and stuff but… I found myself later reading “Wiki engines without a Database.” Then I digressed into “Available Open Source CMS (Content Management Systems)” and the OpenCMS Project. Then I became overwhelmed with the CMS Matrix and fell down. Take away these:

  • Many wiki tools use a special markup language that is “easier” to use than XHTML tags and few tools offer support for XHTML. This sucks.
  • There are lots of CMS tools. My favorite color is brown because I like vegan chocolate chip cookies. More on CMS tools later…
