
Introducing UriTree, A Free Tool Coming Soon to

UriTree Class ViewUriTree is the name of an idea started back in January, documented in “The Resource Location Manager: A Tiny C# Application That Solves the “Favorites Problem.” Now that this ‘tiny’ application has name, it has matured and stabilized into a more concise expression. This document highlights the following changes:

  • UriTree is based on .NET 2.0 and Dave Winer’s OPML 2.0.
  • The Songhay.Xml.Manager class featured in January is replaced by the Songhay.Xml.XmlUtility static class, taking advantage of new features in .NET 2.0.
  • The Songhay.Reflection class is completely rewritten (only a few lines of code) and the Songhay.WinForms.Managers.IconManager “helper” class is eliminated from the Songhay System because of marked improvements in .NET 2.0, namely how Resource files are built in Visual Studio 2005.
  • The Songhay.WinForms.Credits class is refactored, based on the code generated by the About Box Windows Forms Template in Visual Studio 2005. This code provided the design in Songhay.AssemblyInfo used by Songhay.WinForms.Credits.The Class View screenshot at right, from Visual Studio 2005, summarizes the highlights listed above.
