
In Praise of Photoshop TV

Buy this book at!I’ve been waiting for something like Photoshop TV since about 1986. Back then, a vehicle remotely resembling Photoshop TV would have been a series of tutorial videos sold on Laserdisc for $7000US. I can’t count how many times in the distant past I’ve dug through trashcans and recycle bins in advertising agencies and pre-press shops trying to avoid paying crazy dollars for Photoshop tips in glossy print. Now, I can download them for pennies as motion pictures!

The greatness of Photoshop TV makes me wonder why more downloadable video content does not come from Adobe. Before Terry White’s Creative Suite Podcast, there were on-demand seminars released with the launch of Adobe InDesign—and that was years ago. Other than that, Adobe (and Macromedia) invite me quite frequently to “live” “webinars”—they consistently fail to offer downloads after the live broadcast and I consistent fail to attend these Web events. Do they not have enough bandwidth to do both? What the hell was that Kontiki stuff? Can’t they at least set up a deal with Google™? Is this just another sign of Adobe’s weirdness?

*Update: *Photoshop TV is actually featured on this page at

Update: Photoshop TV now is charging for its archived episodes. I think they should start archiving at the previous month instead of the previous episode. Perhaps my praise is too little too late. Russell Brown still rocks!
