
Today’s HTTP Links from Weeks Ago

From the Sage RSS feed to the Firefox menu bar and finally to this Blog post, our links:

Adobe Dreamweaver TechNote “Synchronize and Select Newer options are not working correctly” finally reveals to me how the Synchronize command works. Dreamweaver attempts to make a directory called \XYIZNWSK on your remote server to do the dirty work of trying to synchronize files. This is a useful addition to an earlier post.

Building a LAMP stack on Ubuntu is very easy in the server version of Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake). For other versions, start with the documentation. Of course, Daniel Holba writes “Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06” for your screenshot-viewing pleasure.

Note to self: Songhay System evaluated Dev-PHP IDE. It’s nowhere near Dreamweaver—and Dreamweaver is too far from Eclipse. And nothing beats Visual Studio 2005—except a faster version of Visual Studio 2005.

Introduction to Mono—ASP.NET with XSP and Apache” is on the reading the list. This is not a “new” article. But it is the only article that explained to me what XSP is within a context that had meaning for me.

What is jQuery?” What is sure is that it is a protest against these 900-foot, messianic script frameworks.
