
New Networking Features in .NET 2.0

The System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace is new for .NET. This Blog post covers this topic now because the writer is too dependent on a Carl Franklin production or a Channel9/MSDN audio/video offering for important information about .NET. Perhaps this namespace was mentioned in passing—anyway, Ludmal’s Blog, back in December 2005, introduces this namespace with a useful ping code sample. John Bristowe has a May 2005 overview as well as Thiru Thangarathinam, his 15 Seconds article, “Networking Features in .NET Framework 2.0.” The important thing about this namespace is that it provides the tools that explicitly evaluate network connectivity. It’s about time. Fully implementing a Mono version of this namespace would be a significant selling point of Mono relative to core Java packages (there is the class). Is there a web site out there that explicitly and comprehensively compares the progress of Mono to .NET at a glance?
