
Why I Know Windows Applications Will Run ‘Natively’ in an Apple OS on an Intel Chip

I know this because a Cranky Geek told me. I also know this because of products for Microsoft Windows like X-Win32. This product runs Linux software in Windows. When you read ‘in Windows,’ know that there is no virtual Linux OS running as a ‘wrapper’ for this application. This is not something like Parallels. I think it’s something like Crossover Mac—but with the Steve Jobs touch. There should be great disappointment after the next Steve Jobs new-year keynote when nothing remotely related to this is mentioned. A recent article by John Rizzo, “CrossOver, Northstar Run Windows Apps on Macs—without Windows,” sounds like the right rumblings to me.

Today’s guess is that X-Win32 is of Windows X Server technology. Some of the leading products in this space are covered in “XWinLogon vs. XWin32 and eXceed.”
