
Trying to Install PDO_SQLITE on Ubuntu

  • PDO_SQLITE supports SQLite 3.x databases. The other relevant APT package supported by default in Ubuntu, php5_sqlite, only supports the 2.8 format.
  • There is a package called php5-pdo-sqlite from However, installing this package implies the uninstall/upgrade of vast amounts of LAMP-related stuff! And, by the way, this is a quote from, “MERGE ON PAIN OF DEATH.” packages have been considered “highly experimental.”
  • No php*pdo* package was found by me even on the Unofficial APT repositories.
  • Downloaded PDO_SQLITE directly with wget
  • The documentation at PDO_SQLITE-1.0.1/sqlite/README ‘suggests’ that need to install the following packages: make, autoconf and libtool—and of course a c compiler.
  • The make process did not produce anything recognizable to me. There were warning messages throughout and finally a “stop” message. All the above packages will be removed.
  • This experience will be considered a tiny rite of passage.


AG, 2006-10-10 23:26:18

What error msgs are you getting? Quick Google search reveals this article

rasx(), 2006-10-11 17:39:00


Your help is quite welcome! You have caused me to understand that there is package manager for PHP itself. There is this phpize command... Other people are waiting for a Debian package for PDO_SQLITE. Any more help won't be turned away!
