
The Grand Unified Theory of Blue Jeans

Buy this book at!So, my Blog entries of late have been biased toward technical bookkeeping. This Blog entry is no exception. This one knows way too much about how young men who are attracted to young women because they wear blue jeans in the manner first seen by me on television in the form of Ms. Lopez. As a backgrounder to this article the one about blue jeans should be a prerequisite. This will help you, reader, understand that the latest Blue Jeans fad did not come out of nothingness.

Young men are attracted to the blue jeans because of several failures with regard to thinking. And when I use the word “thinking” don’t think of flaccid penis goobers in glasses and white lab coats. Think of how athletes have to think about their game:

  • The first failure is based on the non-regulation of sexuality. Yes, this sounds strange exactly because it is foreign to you. I always run to the report by Jomo Kenyatta in Facing Mount Kenya. In his long-gone world, it is a matter of fact that young girls and boys played “sex games.” One of the intended effects of these games is that girls are humanized and the intensity of attraction is reduced to the bounds of reality for healthy boys. This means that a young African heterosexual boy of Kenyatta’s twelve can walk into a modern-day strip club and not lose his mind while an old American Negro of 50 can and does. Understand the effects of Christian missionaries on African societies and you will know how regulated sexuality in Africa has been deformed into Imperial sex-working depravity.
  • The second failure is based on pornographic fantasy thinking overriding real-world thinking. Let’s take an example from my simplistic self: I was very, very attracted to blue jeans on young females until I finally got my hands on them. I found out very quickly that taught denim is like a hard shell. When you try to rub up against denim it can literally hurt! So eventually my respect for myself began to take over my hormones and my memory of the hardness of blue jeans stopped any head turning. Blue jeans are not designed for intimacy. Do not take the previous sentence lightly. Respect the thoughts of your woman packed into her gold-mining denim.
  • The third failure is based on lack of information that humanizes women. When I say that women are being ‘humanized,’ don’t think of any politically-correct bullshit. Respect for people means you notice the unflattering elements as well as the flattering ones. Blue jeans make thighs and butts look bigger than they actually are. Blue jeans can cause circulation problems for some women who actually have real hips. Blue jeans can even cause vaginal culture problems for some women because genitals need to “breathe.” In many cases, women wear clothes like blue jeans for ceremonial reasons that have nothing to do with attracting the opposite sex.When you examine the design of the ceremony in the context of woman wisdom throughout the millennia you get a good laugh. Just try to think about the blue-jeans woman dressing herself in the morning—yes, in the morning. Imagine the time she is taking to put on her outfit. Think carefully about the care she is taking and ask yourself do you respect that. Many of you will say “yes” because you respect pornography and fantasy. My appeal is to real live human flesh that can breathe.

“You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them” means that you are another dead soldier.
