
Candace: Supermodel86

Welcome to the invisible DVD commentary track discussing the production of a project here under acronym SHITRW. We would use this acronym when we shoot on location. So we would post it on a tree with an arrow all in magic marker for the second unit crew. And, in the tradition of Hollywood-style DVD commentaries, let me say, as soon as possible, that our non-existent second unit crew did an amazing job.

Amazing. Now is the moment in our commentary when we talk about the test shots R/Kain Blaze took before we made the film we have not yet started shooting… yet… The images you see are of Candace—also known as Supermodel86 in the sandbox. Blaze did an amazing job emailing these images to me. The idea is to make a landscape out of her physical form. The symbolism here is to fuse the woman’s body with geography—to imply that the concept of property is copulating with patriarchy.

This means that Candace must bring a sculptural persona. Photoshop did an amazing job cropping these shots to squeeze out the design goals. We are really pleased with what Candace brings to the show:

Candace SHITW tests
Candace SHITW tests
Candace SHITW tests
Candace SHITW tests
Candace SHITW tests
Candace SHITW tests

Candace really stretched out here. My absurd guess is that she is used to more glamour-related shooting. And she is really embracing, in an amazing way, these “dark” and “moody” compositions. These shots are very raw and the makeup covering her skin will be further enhanced in post production.

One thing that seems important to mention here is that, to my surprise, a significant number of modern males fail to notice that a female is attractive when she is not wearing her glamour kit. Several attractive women over the years confided in me saying, “When I am wearing sweats and a t-shirts they ignore me.” This observation angers me for so, so many reasons. There is stuff like how some women in captivity depend so much on this toxic form of attention—and how some others hate it so much that they are willing to deliberately gain weight to hide themselves from city-boy wolves.

The ultimate reaction that angers me is how some males are not attracted to the woman—they are actually turned on by her fishnets, heels, lipstick, hair—and other ceremonial adornments that be worn by anyone of any gender. Many extremely attractive women ignorant of this weirdness erroneously assume that they are sex objects when, in fact, they are merely the presentation platform of sex fetishes. For the warlike women, this is a challenge and many rend their whole youth on trying to conquer these sick males.

In the mean time, Candace is covered in these brown crusts of hard earth—she is disfigured by these prosthetics—and she is still very attractive to me. Amazing.
