
Today’s Kinté Media Links

Buy this CD at!Randy Weston and Cheikh Anta Diop

Jazz pianist and composer Randy Weston has a piece called “Portrait of Cheikh Anta Diop”—quite a surprise to me. Man, where’s the Downbeat interview on this? This news came to me from Dr. Robin Kelley.

The Sabrina Collins World after the Apocalypse of Martha Stewart

Natural beauty expert Sabrina Collins represents to me what the world can be like when we stop waiting for ‘the next’ Martha Stewart—or the ‘next Black’ Martha Stewart. First, this new view should fill us with the expectation that our community has several experts. So we can see Sabrina at our local market and also on television. The idea that millions of people need to turn to one person for “lifestyle” ideas is more imperial religion and myth.

India Arie, Ready for Love

Buy this CD at!So my previous gushing about Rokia Traoré caused me to remember India Arie, which led me to this declaration called “Ready for Love” on What’s notable is the need for her to explain before she starts her song that it is not about a “specific person.” To me, this is a defensive move to prevent the cynical observers in the audience from tuning her out… You see, George Bush can stand up in front of millions and praise one guy for leaving the White House but India Arie is unable to find one qualified significant other from past present or future to eliminate the song she is singing… this is, of course, is a “wise” business move as this leaves the market open for males—and females—to project themselves in the open space designed by the artist… Oh, wait, I’m not supposed to be thinking “too much” about this… sorry, cynical observers…

Poets against…?

This poet cannot help but see the poetry in You see the Web address says, “Poets against the war”—like there is one war we are made disciples to be against. But the graphic on the homepage says, “Poets against war”—like poets should be against all war. So making the matter worse means that we must question the use of the word “against”—which suggests warlike thinking. To me there is a difference being against something and seeing no need for something at all. Anyway, my suggestion:… but then… ‘forno’ almost looks like ‘porno’… but then, what about

Billy Collins Action Poetry

Billy Collins Action Poetry has achieved what I’ve been attempting since 1998: to exceed the design goals of United States of Poetry (making poetry a filmic experience) with “new media” technology. While something like Def Poetry Jam makes poetry a slam vaudeville experience, Billy Collins is going for the quieter, art-house crowd. There is only so much thinking about poetry one can do while watching a chick belt limelight tunes in tight clothes.
