
Today’s Server-Side Links

Using PowerShell to Toggle Your Servers on and Off

In “PowerShell 1.x script: Toggling Servers on and off in Windows Server 2003,” my article documents a simple, straight-forward way to toggle my servers on and off by “Querying with WQL.” I’m not fond of my hulking five-second delays guessing when the service is turned off—and my little if block manually turning off dependencies for W3SVC looks like it needs to be replaced by the automatic way to detect Service dependencies. However, “Receiving a WMI Event” is not something for me to gobble up during my “lunch break” and blindly looping through a set of dependencies does not quickly handle the problem of shutting down interdependent services (among dependencies of another service) in the proper order.

Buy this book at!Who needs Windows Home Server with Linux around? “Except for that, Windows file-server life is good and easy with Linux these days. Before you go out and buy an external hard drive, or, heavens forbid, a WHS system, give Linux and an old PC a try. You’re likely to save some bucks and gain some storage.”

DreamHost: Maintaining an Offline Copy of WordPress

In my Funky KB note, “DreamHost: Maintaining an Offline Copy of WordPress,” I finally found the time to document the rather tedious task of keeping an offline copy of WordPress working on my personal, virtual machine. The database servers at are so slow! It appears that there are more resources available to load static pages than to answer requests for data. DreamHost is now selling (privately) a dedicated (virtual) database server to (evidently) address this problem. I keep hoping that one day these jolly geeks can tell their jokes when shit actually works for just three months without some fire breaking out.

Inside IBM DB2 Viper

Sean McCown back in August 2006: “IBM’s technology outdoes its competitors, however, by preserving the native format of XML data. Five years in development, DB2’s brand-new storage engine, dubbed pureXML, has one foot planted squarely in the world of relational databases and the other in that of XML databases. Instead of storing the XML as a BLOB (binary large object) or parsing it into relational key/value pairs, pureXML stores the XML file itself, with all its properties and hierarchical structure preserved.” Unfortunately, DB2 Express-C comes without pureXML.

Splunk Hits the Cubicles

“Can you imagine trying to find things on the Internet without a search engine? Now you can navigate the complexity of your data center with IT Search. Splunk is the IT Search engine that indexes and lets you search, navigate, alert and report on IT data from any application, server or network device. Securely access logs, configurations, scripts and code, message, traps and alerts, activity reports, stack traces and metrics across thousands of components, from one place, all in real time.”


In “Jamp! Easy Java/Apache/PHP/MySQL install in one click” Alex Netkachov explains how you can trade your small XAMPP memory footprint for a relatively gigantic Java-based one. Is there a direct relationship between Java and PHP that’s popular out there?
