
Today’s IBM Links

lotus ibm bagsIBM Webcasts and Demonstrations

First of all the “community” version of DB2 Express does not come with pureXML, this weird form of poverty seeps into the section called “Webcasts and Demonstrations” at because I am having trouble logging in (sometimes twice after a surprisingly long wait) only to find material that is not video—material that asks me to install a version of viper (DB2 9) that may require commercial trials.

My experience with the so-called “webcast” from Macromedia, Adobe, Microsoft—and now IBM—always makes the cost of viewing too high. In their brutal, crude efforts to identify who is watching their watered-down pitch, my time is often wasted during some horribly long log in process.

In the case of Microsoft, they have used a third party to streaming media (both live and on-demand). It seems that these blokes forgot about elegant B2B communication. Perhaps new Cardspace (OpenID) stuff will help (in three years).

Here in the W2 labor camp, in my department, we have been dropping project management systems left and right (and defaulting to Microsoft Project). Another free one offered by could be added to the pile. Maybe not…


Concerto is a product under evaluation. This one is coming out of New Zealand. The presentation feels very much like a “private” offering for precious few. This means no developer videos to look at… no flaunting of an open API… no apparent SDK-like downloads or trials…

Subversion Best Practices

So far, CVS reigns over the developer’s water cooler. But just in case, “Subversion Best Practices” may be of a new trend here in the trenches. And let’s not talk about git because the Radio Leo already does.
