This page documents the frequently asked questions of visitors to this site. Most of these questions are not explicitly asked by you visitors. We read between the lines in emails. We analyze Web site traffic data. We read a few comments on our new Blog. We talk to people person to person—and we don’t hear from people who should have called. This document changes to reflect the current trends and this revision takes into account that the novelty of publishing on the Web is long gone and that wild Web commercialism is here to stay—largely taken for granted.
Q: What does “the kinté space” mean?
A: This question is answered in essay detail by me, rasx(). A small but vociferous minority thought I was misspelling the word kente of the cloth from the Asante and Ewe peoples. This, of course, was an incorrect assumption of impoverished thinking. However—my fellow human beings of love and intelligence—it is safe to assume that the words kinté and kente are pronounced the same.
Q: Can I contribute content to the kinté space?
A: We assume that this question is asked by a spoken word artist with an audio CD or book. We also assume that you might be a visual artist or a recording artist. This means your material can be digitized. Please e-mail your creative material to us by first contacting us through our mail form. Or snail mail your package to the following address:
Songhay System
P.O. Box 45909
Los Angeles, CA 90045
We can also arrange an FTP upload on a case-by-case basis. We are proud to offer this as a free service to the entire planet so please keep in mind that our publishing turn-around times can last many, many months or just a few hours. Take a chance on us so we can celebrate you!
Q: Why isn’t the kinté space more interactive? I think even more people would visit if they could participate in communities, post a message, take a survey or something.
A: Click over to our new Blog, the rasx() context. We are pleased to take advantage of some of the latest open source technology to provide a forum for sharing more than what you ever want to know about—all with the ability for you to post comments.
Q: I can’t find anything on this site! When you guys file something under “space people,” or “space time,” what does that mean to me?
A: First, we just added a new search feature to, powered by Google™! Second, browse our index pages to find poets and visual artists or essayists and documentary subjects. Finally, we remind you that features streaming audio and video as well as text material. We will continue to improve the presentation of our content so please do not give up on us! We recognize failure with the firm belief that we can succeed with excellence.