Why would you want to suppress something? So, you have an out-of- control appetite for food and you want to suppress your appetite. You don’t want to deal with the root cause of your appetite (which may be a spiritual void or emotional imbalance, or both). No, you want to keep the cause alive and only target the symptom of the cause and mask or suppress the symptom, which is unwise because you’re still not dealing with healing!
You don’t arrive at healing by addressing the symptom. To do so would be the equivalent of addressing the reaction instead of the initial action in order to prevent the reaction. Healing entails an understanding of the hermetic principle and universal law of Cause and Effect.
Every action has a reaction! Suppression eventually reveals itself in expression. In other words, that which is suppressed must be expressed! Suppression always creates an outlet to express. Always!
When you suppress a thing, you keep a thing. It’s not seen at the surface, but it’s there and alive at the root, picking up steam or momentum in which to express itself when the time is ripe.
Why suppress a cough? The cough is the reaction to the action of hardened mucus lodged in the lungs. While there is medication to help you suppress the cough, however, the suppressing activity of the medication does not address the hardened mucus lodged in the lungs that is the true cause of the cough that you unwisely seek to suppress. You are only delaying the reflex of coughing by suppressing the cough. As long as the mucus is there, the cough will be there and it will be there until you address the root cause—the mucus in the lungs! Expel the mucus and eliminate the cough. Simple as that!
So you take a particular product that suppresses your appetite and this allows you to lose weight and/or keep weight off, and you really think you are doing something healthy, but you’re not! You’re playing games with yourself. See, instead of concentrating on a particular thought process, attitude, diet and lifestyle that helps you to keep weight off while maintaining your ideal weight, all your focus is on suppressing.
So you have genital herpes and the doctor has prescribed to you topical medication to suppress the outbreaks. So just because you have successfully suppressed the outbreaks does that mean you are free of herpes? Of course not! Suppression is not solution. If you suppress the herpes in your genital region, then it will express itself somewhere else in the body, like the back or buttocks. It happens all the time!
Okay, you are feeling lustful sexually and because you are religious or pretending to be so, you want to suppress your sexual desire (to uphold your façade of being chaste and pious). So you go celibate for a few years but the lust is still in you, lying dormant, grounding or rooting itself, but picking up steam and momentum in the darkness of the suppression. Then, you enter into a relationship and you become a serious sex freak and sex fiend. No, you are simply making up for all that inhibited sex that sought to express itself in your lust. Instead of giving the lust an outlet or properly re-channeling the sexual energy from the base of the spine up to the Third Eye or Ajna Chakra, you suppressed or repressed your strong sexual desire and urge. You hid it in the dark and what happen to things (like seeds) in the dark? They take root (become grounded), develop, grow, and sprout (manifest)!
Well, the same thing happens to things you suppress, like sex! The above explains why so many “good” girls (i.e. church girls) get turned out sexually. Actually, these girls are not “turned out!” They have merely “turned loose” what they attempted to suppress or repress—their sexual lust and desire.
Okay, so now you want to lose weight so you need something to help suppress your appetite, but appetite is natural; but you have an extraordinary appetite, you need more than is necessary or required which clearly denotes imbalance due to perception that you are lacking in some other area. You see, addiction always points to some void or perceived void. Addiction deals with compensation.
Appetite helps us to satisfy a thing, in the case of food, hunger. But why do you eat so much food, more than is necessary? Clearly, you eat so much because you are imbalanced somewhere.
So you take a particular product that suppresses your appetite and this allows you to lose weight and/or keep weight off, and you really think you are doing something healthy, but you’re not! You’re playing games with yourself. See, instead of concentrating on a particular thought process, attitude, diet and lifestyle that helps you to keep weight off while maintaining your ideal weight, all your focus is on suppressing. So let’s say you were on Ephedrine to help suppress your appetite. Ephedrine worked and you kept weight off and perhaps by still consuming things you had no business consuming which actually added weight to your frame in the first place. But then, due to circumstances out of your control, Ephedrine is banned and you have no other alternative that does for you what Ephedrine did for you, now you are at a loss in your mind, but why? Simply because you were only masking the problem by suppressing the symptom of the problem.
You are not tackling the true reasons for your weight problem by suppressing the appetite. By suppressing your appetite for food, you are developing an appetite for something else and perhaps are expressing it in some other area of your life at present that you may not be conscious of. This is why suppression is a dangerous thing. Addiction is merely a sensor, a sensor that something is missing or deficient or neglected. Excess need of a thing is also a sensor and also denotes that something is missing or deficient.
An appetite suppressant (a natural one) should always be balanced with an appetite-increasing agent. This is why our Orexis Formula works so well. It is a very balanced formula and many of our customers (who just happen to be young White females) report dynamic results with the formula in addition to all the other things we suggest they do such as deal with the cause(s) of their emotional imbalance (which has to do with chakra blockages and usually at the Sacral Chakra, the seat of addiction, emotions, and the demon of ‘guilt’).
While some of our formulas contain natural herbal appetite suppressants, we don’t utilize these herbs in an isolated state. We balance them with other herbs that we program certain functions to dominate so as to get a desired result or effect.
In closing, by suppressing, you are only setting yourself up for a future fall because the underlying problem is still present, not being addressed, and magnifying itself and will find or create an outlet for expression in some other shape, fashion, or form.
The suppression of a thing gives it power. Comedian Lenny Bruce was so right when he said: “The suppression of words give them power.” I appreciate people like Lenny Bruce because people like him force us to deal with things we would otherwise ignore or hide under the rug.
In reiteration, what you suppress in one area will be expressed in another. Guaranteed! It’s the Law of Polarity and Cause and Effect.
You cannot or will not heal yourself from any disease or situation by resorting to suppression and repression.
Thank you for reading!
This article is compliments of www.Dherbs.Com and Djehuty Ma’at-Ra.
Additional articles by the author available @www.dherbs.com
You cannot or do not cure a thing or solve a thing by suppressing it. Suppression is absurd! It is masking! It is avoiding! It is hiding or sweeping under the rug.