Saturday Morning Live (SML) has been called “CKLN’s flagship news program.” Produced by Norman (Otis) Richmond, the show features author/activist Dr.Gerald Horne and Death Row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal weekly.
We present here the March 1, 2008 show, featuring Gerald Horne and Haroon Siddiqui. Topics include: Nigerian elections, the execution of American teens, Air India Flight 182, Olivia Chow of the NDP, the documentary film Africa Unite and more.
Words and Flow by . . . . . . . Gerald Horne and Haroon Siddiqui
Original Audio Production by . . . . . . . CKLN (Stuart Andrews, Ian Brown Jean Hodgkinson)
Post Production and Sound Design by . . . . . . . Bryan Wilhite
Interactive and Visual Design by . . . . . . . Bryan Wilhite