THIS IS THE THIRD poem wrapped in Macromedia Flash technology that was converted from the Authorware presentations that appeared on AOL before 1998. At the risk of taking you away from the literary art of English-language poetry, I feel that I must place Sweet Honey in the Rock Woman in this somewhat sterile context. Behind the scenes here in the kinté space there has been a great deal of computer programming and what may look like just another Flash file on the web actually punctuates a three-year journey from 0.5 the Sisters, Night in Nijinsky, to the work presented here. In this context, Sweet Honey in the Rock Woman is a personal triumph. Now, I placed these demands on myself: I had to make the paper as well as the pen before I could write the poem so you could read it from any location on the face of the wired Earth—wrapped in as much “proper context” I can muster.

One way I become inspired to write (in the English language) is based on what I call the “abstract confrontation.” Perhaps later I will write about this in more detail, but for now let me say that Sweet Honey in the Rock Woman is based on the desire to confront certain women with a mentality/spirituality that may be familiar to them. If my territory here is unfamiliar to you, then this particular “confrontation” probably is meaningless to you. And, oh yes, I must mention that this piece has very little to do with that wonderful singing group founded by Bernice Johnson Reagon. All I ask is that you grant me a minute or two and let me show you this space and the words in it.

WARNING: This presentation is not for children and other innocent forms of life. Discretion and introspection is advised.


Written and Visualized by . . . . . . . Bryan Wilhite
Original Still Photography by . . . . . . . Darryl Allan Smith