poetry in my town
©2000 Michael Kresky
poetry in my town wears designer jeans and tshirts with enviro
messages that say save the rain forest poetry in my
town has an air of uptight selfconciousness poetry in my town
is ginsberg like howlings and barkings and keroacesque
ululating subterranean drainings poetry in my town is at the
end of the road poetry in my town perched on the precipice
jutting away from the groaning continent poetry in my town has
manifested its destiny poetry in my town has to with who
you are poetry in my town sucks it's all the god damn same
poetry in my town encompasses class issues but rarely
addresses them poetry in my town looks down the barrel of the
gun of sexism with palm tree scratched eyes and says
was that kathy ireland poetry in my town is beach poetry
poetry in my town is elvis like drunken soft life drivel written in a
hotel poetry in my town is homelessness searching for a home
poetry in my town smells like shit and piss in an alley
but that's the part i like about it poetry in my town is not
graffiti poetry in my town doesn't smoke crack poetry in my town
doesn't riot or break glass poetry in my town doesn't carry
automatic weapons yet poetry in my town has the hollow
sounds of extra change in its pocket as it quickly scurries
past those bums in front of the old savoy poetry in my town
has little attitude yet is full of platitudes and icky sweet
dessert tastes poetry in my town is macho comacho bubble gum
sadness and intellectual drool poetry in my town is a well
that has run dry poetry in my town is patriarchial white and
male huh poetry in my town is not the future of my town but
the poetry of the future is my town poetry in my town is one or
the other poetry in my town sucks it all smells the godamn
same poetry in my town displays its colors perfectly has
atrophy has jaundice and looks at the world through rose
colored sunglasses poetry in my town can be smug and self
righteous poetry in my town sux dude poetry in my town is not
the sound of revolution but the sound of de-evolution
poetry in my town comes off elegant despite those yucky coffee
and nature burger stains on your shirt poetry in my town
is a luke warm reception poetry in my town is a mother in law
of the arts poetry in my town is not revolutionary new
exciting or creative so kill me poetry in my town sucks it's
all the god damn same poetry in my town is poetry torturing
itself poetry in my town has its head severed from its body
has its dick held firmly in its hand while it drinks and drives
poetry in my town is something to do if you need to get some
rest poetry in my town is perfect boredom poetry in my
town is willing to perform a lobotomy at any time poetry in my
town is chasing an elusive venue poetry in my town is
asking the question what the hell is poetry poetry in my town
is not the future of my town but the poetry of the future is my
[click to view introduction]