Rethabile Masilo lives in France. He’s the father of two and enjoys playing soccer, writing, and cooking. He’s co-editor of Canopic Jar, and has been previously published in Orbis, Canopic Jar, Bolts of Silk, The Concelebratory Shoehorn Review, iBhuku, Sethala, and Ascent Aspirations in the summer of 2007.
His writing is influenced by his native Lesotho, southern Africa, and the events that have shaped the sub-continent as a whole: apartheid, Sharpeville, Soweto in 1976, the imprisonment and release of Nelson Mandela. Rethabile is a business language trainer and consultant.
This selection of Rethabile Masilo includes “People of Stone,” “Scarves” and “Madam in the bedroom.” These three sketch out his esoteric journey from Africa to Europe. We are very pleased to present Rethabile Masilo a second time here in the kinté space, following his “People of Stone.”
Written by . . . . . . . Rethabile Masilo
XHTML/CSS Programming by . . . . . . . Bryan Wilhite