I HAVE BEEN EXTREMELY FORTUNATE to associate with many photographers here in the Los Angeles area. I seem to find and work with these artists more than the local poets! It should follow that I should be honored to showcase the work of these excellent visual artists. Lisa Diane Wedgeworth has granted me this honor. Well, enough about me; these are Lisa’s words:
“The goddess series grew out of personal photographs I had taken for my female friends. I had posed nude for an artist friend and having told them (my female friends) about the humbling experience, they too wanted the same experience.”
“Without regard to a specific goddess or spirit, I photographed friends and family either nude or seminude in natural environments, such as the ocean, a national park, or my backyard.”
“My intent was to create photographic images that expressed a reverence for Nature and Her laws. My understanding was that once these images were printed, it would be obvious for whom these images were for—goddess, spirit, or element.”