Privacy Policy

Here we disclose our privacy policy and how it affects you. This website has identifying who-is information that has been recently reviewed. Feel free to use this information to contact us, starting with

We, Songhay System and its affiliates, collect anonymous statistics about your visit such as which of our pages you viewed. We work with third parties like Microsoft™ and Google™ who may collect personal information like your IP address and will set cookies to enable their miscellaneous services. All our partners are GDPR compliant.

In accord with the policies of Google™, you are hereby informed that by using any data presented by Songhay System originating from Google™ you are wholly and simultaneously agreeing with the terms of service defined by Google™, namely for YouTube API Services. As of this writing, Songhay System uses YouTube API Services in its presentations—and this is not a perpetual arrangement.

YouTube API Services data is cached in the Microsoft cloud for up to seven days after which time it is refreshed/overwritten manually in the Songhay System Studio and/or in the Microsoft cloud. YouTube API Services data is presented as static content on this website without any advertising material originating from Songhay System or any other known advertising provider. YouTube API Services data collected for Songhay System is not shared with any third parties. The YouTube API Services data collected for Songhay System does not deterministically contain any personally-identifying information; therefore, data regarded by Google™ as “user data” is not intentionally and deterministically collected.

We, Songhay System and its affiliates, are not responsible for actions taken by Google™ including violating its own terms of service or any other systematically malicious behavior. YouTube API Services data can disappear from this website at any time. There is no implied guarantee from Songhay System and its affiliates about the availability of YouTube API Services data presented on this website.