Sketching out Solutions to a Few Dr. Sebi Problems
I’m not getting any younger so it’s time to handle the issues suggested in a previous post now. I might as well admit it. I have to modify my food eating to maximize nutritional value. The most basic step is to avoid eating foods that suck nutrients out of my body—this implies eating more green/alkaline things.
I have no emotional need for a dramatic “crash diet.” I prefer to “sneak up” on myself with gradual modifications instead of hoping for a religious experience. So I suggest to myself—before I get too hungry to think clearly—a few modifications:
Replace the Dessert Banana with the Burro
I have no idea what I am talking about here. But it deserves an experiment anyway…
Replace the Potato with the Plantain
I really, really like potatoes. I even found rice burgers for them… This is going to be a tough one. But some breakfasts can use the plantain instead of the potato. This is Caribbean cooking—so it requires some understanding of this. Sadly, for me, my young-man approach to this problem was to date a young woman with Caribbean cooking skills. This has proven (for me so far) to be not a very cost-effective solution to my dietary problems!
Wild Rice is More Than Just Humorous Symbolism
I used to eat wild rice simply because it’s black. I was just trying to be funny. Now, it’s a little more serious. Wild rice should be my long-term storage staple, along with quinoa and maybe spelt…
Replace Garlic Powder with Onion Powder
This replacement is easier to do for taste but seems complicated for nutrition. I see this complexity in the question, “What beneficial properties do garlic have that onions do not have?” What I can experiment with immediately is making my own “pesto” sauce with basil, olive oil and onion powder. Maybe some drippings of key lime with that…
Search for a new bread…
I think I am looking for a spelt bread—maybe quinoa bread? In a better, more rewarding future, the bread can be homemade… The problem with most “healthy” breads is that they are mixed with ‘other’ ingredients—so what be called a quinoa bread or a spelt bread is often mixed with other acid-producing grains.
Rethink the Egg Replacement Strategy
My latest, lazy experiments with egg replacement came up with an all-in-one solution in the form of a (very, very starchy and expensive) powder in a box. An article at shows me that I need to be more diversified in this area. By the way, Bryan, you do not need powdered egg replacers to make quinoa pancakes—all you need is the quinoa flour (mixed with a pureed plantain?)…
Rethink the Tract-Cleaning Drink Strategy
Carrot juice has been my number-one digestive tract cleanser. Sad but true… According to my new style, carrots should be replaced. An alkaline diet video on suggests to me how a dash of cayenne pepper can perform some of the cleaning tasks…