The Morning Checkpoint and Sun Microsystems
Several weeks ago, I changed cubicles and managers so now every morning “we” have this checkpoint meeting at 8:45am. I assume that this checkpoint stuff is related to “agile management” and perhaps David Anderson of Microsoft is the authority to refer to regarding this structure.
So far, the “take-away” I have gathered from these morning meetings is that Sun Microsystems technical support sucks—they suck so bad that the dregs at the bottom of the barrel are let loose. For the last several weeks, people who, in no way shape or form “love” Microsoft, bash Sun Microsystems. Messages are left at Sun day after day and they reply with empty suggestions or nothing at all.
So it does not matter what Jonathan Scwhartz wags at his dog and ponytail show, the reality is that every morning, I have to hear about a company’s inability to answer something as primitive as a telephone to respond to the needs of its customers.