“La culture est dans la rue du 030614 [@DakartBiennale]” and other Tweeted Links…
@DakartBiennale sur @telesud_ : La culture est dans la rue du 030614 : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1yh4ls_la-culture-est-dans-la-rue-du-030614-musique-nollywood-week-et-dak-art_tv
My sis @afrofuturist looking out at the 'Door of No Return', Goree Island, House of Slaves #Senegal https://twitter.com/beautifulzion1/status/473850112712908800/photo/1
Shocking History: Why Women of Color in the 1800s Were Banned From Wearing Their Hair in Public http://blackgirllonghair.com/2014/07/shocking-history-why-women-of-color-in-the-1800s-were-banned-from-wearing-their-hair-in-public/ via @bglhonline
Saying farewell to the boat. https://vine.co/v/hMwpx33a7iP
Zimbabwe Could Become Africa’s First Truly Cashless Economy http://ift.tt/1wa2Ob4 via @techcabal https://twitter.com/seyitaylor/status/487572891387826176/photo/1
Interview with Otobong Nkanga at 14 Rooms - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw5wK1TaQOg
An Extended Look at the Surreal Animatronic Sculpture of a Woman by Artist Jordan Wolfson http://laughingsquid.com/an-extended-look-at-the-surreal-animatronic-sculpture-of-a-woman-by-artist-jordan-wolfson/ via @LaughingSquid
Sleep as a Competitive Advantage http://nyti.ms/1rFFtA3
[]( "Rebecca Enonchong [africatechie]") The rise of Africans Investing in Africa (AIA) | VC4Africa http://bit.ly/1donH9u
53 yrs ago today I was released from Parchman Penitentiary after being arrested in Jackson for using "white" restroom https://twitter.com/repjohnlewis/status/486142489527844865/photo/1
Support Nigeria's artist Victor Ehikhamenor's Enchanted Exhibition at Gallery of African Art London 21 May - 19 July https://twitter.com/NNPtweets/status/472677143890370560/photo/1
Travel Hacking Graduate Earns 2.5 Million Miles: On the Road with Hao Tran : The Art of Non-Conformi… http://chrisguillebeau.com/travel-hacking-graduate-earns-2-5-million-miles/
While real estate speculation ravages LA's housing market, the Arroyo Seco becomes a scrappy favela once again:... http://fb.me/6PkvBiUN6
@wristfeed @tonefone Part of collection on-line here: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/bibuxton/buxtoncollection/ Full catalogue incl. watches, here: http://www.billbuxton.com/Catalogue.pdf
Empire - The Arab Spring according to Azyz Amami - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZNlyXbPkig&feature=youtube_gdata
[]( "Elita [Blacktating]") Homeless shelter to evict mother for breastfeeding in public. http://fb.me/3kvsBbmI3
The folks of Ghana say their demands from govt are FEW -- Fuel, Electricity, Water. And so, today, they will #OccupyFlagStaffHouse.
[]( "GrooveSDC [GrooveSDC]") The Tea Party controlled least productive Congress in history already fell off a cliff @remford @dcjohnson http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2013/07/17/the-least-productive-congress-ever/
How village bullies use state power https://twitter.com/Demy_Gh/status/484258486671671296
Happy birthday, Frida! Celebrate with her gorgeous handwritten love letters to Diego Rivera http://j.mp/1qMn18K https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/485966711129407488/photo/1
Would you recognize a victim of sex trafficking? http://dld.bz/dtcK2
Health officials are meeting in Ghana to discuss halting the spread of #Ebola, which has killed around 470 people http://bbc.in/1m7Y985
[]( "Think Africa Press [ThinkAfricaFeed]") #TAPblog: Why Won't the #WhiteSaviourComplex Go Away? http://buff.ly/1qRcucF
"The problem with 1776 was that it went on to establish the first apartheid state." #USA (Gerald Horne)
If gazing at the ancient wonders of Egypt is on your bucket list, here’s your chance! Info: http://conta.cc/1plpyTi http://ow.ly/i/65QDn
Follow the #SSKDay tag to learn more about Botswana's first president: Sir Seretse Khama https://twitter.com/SiyandaWrites/status/483943780044001280/photo/1
All I'm saying is we shouldn't pretending racism is some artifact of older people. Plenty of ostensibly tolerant kids believe racist things.
[]( "ProBlackEmpowerment [Strong_BlackMan]") Why is it when we bring up Blk ppl & our issues folks quickly beat us over the head w/ 'everybody-ism' as if we dont have a right2 specifics
The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about. https://twitter.com/BlkHistStudies/status/487198077523361792/photo/1
Brazil's 'Quilombo' Movement May Be The World's Largest Slavery Reparations Program http://fb.me/3tLYuxPUA
Fresh at the R: As An Asian-American, Here's Why Bruce Lee Still Matters http://www.racialicious.com/2014/07/03/as-an-asian-american-heres-why-bruce-lee-still-matters/
The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture http://qz.com/225782 via @qz
Can the Maker Movement Infiltrate Mainstream Classrooms? #makereducation http://adafru.it/b120633
Lupita is totally our girl crush with her braiding skills! Find out how good, on our blog. http://bit.ly/1o1K5vf https://twitter.com/bunitv/status/483943347107950592/photo/1
Katt Williams answers your questions: Going Off The Grid, Women's Appearances, Dealing With Stress, Weed, and More http://youtu.be/71Hr_Ol-ZIU
Jacques Derrida interviews Ornette Coleman / "Sound has a much more democratic relationship to information" >> http://weblog.liberatormagazine.com/2011/06/jacques-derrida-interviews-ornette.html?m=1
Howard Professor Sets Pharrell Straight on His 'New Black' Theory - Atlanta Blackstar http://fb.me/2yetMRVLC
Why I Yelled at the Kara Walker Exhibit | The Indypendent http://indypendent.org/2014/06/30/why-i-yelled-kara-walker-exhibit
[]( "Best Bukowski Quotes [tbukowskiquotes]") "I believe that most poetry stinks like the rot of a garbage can, a game of professors & fakers." - Charles Bukowski
Despite Peaceful Reputation, Sweden Is a Major Weapons Exporter to Human Rights Abusers - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbwR8rd3v6Y&feature=youtube_gdata
Charles Dickens is one of the figures responsible for cementing the "noble savage", "animalistic" ideal in Victorian popular culture.
"The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings" / http://weblog.liberatormagazine.com/2011/05/ultimate-goal-of-farming-is-not-growing.html?m=1
Why Readers, Scientifically, Are The Best People To Fall In Love With http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/date-reader-readers-best-people-fall-love-scientifically-proven/662017/ via @elitedaily
Two things I like to remind myself of when having a bad day: a) life is fundamentally meaningless, b) my ass looks fantastic right now