“DakarSoFar: ‘There are no Bees in Dakar’” @Mayathepoet and other Tweeted Links…
DakarSoFar: "There are no Bees in Dakar" - bee-stings, meeting @binyavangaw and general debauchery http://tmblr.co/ZUIAOn1Lj_Vfe
Are you, like, some kind of crazy African prince or some shit?” Neneh Cherry on running into a young Youssou... http://fb.me/6DbZc6TRg
The Rise of Dark Tourism - Debra Kamin - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/07/the-rise-of-dark-tourism/374432/
CcHub’s KidsZone ‘Summer of Code’ Programme Now Open to Applications http://ift.tt/1mQ6KNv via @techcabal https://twitter.com/seyitaylor/status/489740526774915072/photo/1
What happened when Palestinian children were killed in front of a hotel full of journalists http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/07/16/what-happened-when-palestinian-children-were-killed-in-front-of-a-hotel-full-of-journalists/ via wessam dad
Deceased Brown Bodies Unceremoniously Displayed on Our Screens... http://blogs.indiewire.com/shadowandact/deceased-brown-bodies-unceremoniously-displayed-on-our-screens-20140718 by @digtanya
Terry Adkins, Artist, Musician and Educator, Dies at 60: http://galleristny.com/?p=56136 via @gallerist
Rio, we have a problem!! Second black male found naked & tied to a pole; this time, face down in the scorching heat! http://blackwomenofbrazil.co/2014/02/07/rio-we-have-a-problem-second-black-male-found-naked-and-tied-to-a-pole-this-time-face-down-in-the-scorching-heat/
Stupid sht.USA does its best keepn black celeb artists about as Internationally scared & dumb as a walking paintbrush http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/rihanna-tweets-freepalestine-support-deletes-it-posts-something-far-less-controversial-about-the-israelgaza-conflict-9608782.html?dkdk
LAPD Cop Beat Man on His Knees Near Staples Center, D.A. Says http://www.laweekly.com/informer/2014/07/16/lapd-cop-beat-man-on-his-knees-near-staples-center-da-says via @laweekly
[]( "Afua Hirsch [afuahirsch]") We read Flaubert for beauty, Jane Austen for psychology, but the #african writer is expected to write about poverty mt @benokri #caineprize
75 Years In The Making: Harvard Just Released Its Epic Study On What Men Need To Live A Happy Life http://www.feelguide.com/2013/04/29/75-years-in-th-making-harvard-just-released-its-epic-study-on-what-men-require-to-live-a-happy-life/
'Tiger Mom': Data Prove The Longer You're In America, The Worse You Perform http://www.businessinsider.com/tiger-mom-nytimescom-essay-2014-1?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+businessinsider+(Business+Insider
Oppressed people often become so obsessed with their oppression that they don't recognize that they're doing it to others.
The Devil’s Eye Syndrome: Creative Jealousy Against the Black Independent Filmmaker http://bit.ly/1kpkp9B https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/488891186858717184/photo/1
[]( "Sian Staley [SianStaley]") "@Strong_BlackMan: "How different would our education be if we sent our children to school to create jobs for themselves?"-Amos Wilson"
Role Of Ethnicity And Religion Overstated In Some African Conflicts | Black Star News http://www.blackstarnews.com/global-politics/africa/role-of-ethnicity-and-religion-overstated-in-some-african-conflicts.html
Google loves Epic Rap Battles and the ad money it brings in http://aol.it/UdVXRD
Move over quinoa, Ethiopia's teff poised to be next big super grain http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2014/jan/23/quinoa-ethiopia-teff-super-grain
School ditches rules and loses bullies. http://bit.ly/M3VkpO
"Not too long ago, right here in America (if you're over 45, you'll remember), there was a restaurant called Sambo’s" http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/30/pancakes-and-pickaninnies-the-saga-of-sambo-s-the-racist-restaurant-chain-america-once-loved.html
Netflix's first taste of 'Star Wars' coming with exclusive 'Clone Wars' series in March http://engt.co/1nvEFr5
This World Map Shows The Enormity Of America's Prison Problem http://www.businessinsider.com/world-map-of-incarceration-rates-2014-1?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+businessinsider+(Business+Insider
Changing Your Meal Times Can Have A ‘Significant’ Impact On Your #Liver http://www.medicaldaily.com/changing-your-meal-times-can-have-significant-impact-your-liver-circadian-rhythm-controls-rise-and
[]( "Dr. Vandana Shiva [drvandanashiva]") #Roundup #glyphosate affects earthworms & symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi in model ecosystem.Impact Soil fertility http://www.nature.com/srep/2014/140709/srep05634/full/srep05634.html --
Critter & Guitari's tiny homemade synths feel good on your brain http://www.theverge.com/2014/1/24/5342368/critter-guitaris-tiny-homemade-synths-feel-good-on-your-brain
Darwin’s complete Galapagos library posted online | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/science/2014/07/darwins-complete-galapagos-library-posted-online/
Coursera withdraws its online learning service from Cuba, Iran and Sudan to comply with US law http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheNextWeb/~3/NLWqOXMd9sk/
All set for "Africans In The Stream" at #SMWLagos? To stream live register for free here http://buff.ly/1nGJVIt then click on camera icon.