“Words and Images: @victorsozaboy walks with Prof Wole Soyinka” and other Tweeted Links…
Words and Images: @victorsozaboy walks with Prof Wole Soyinka >> http://africasacountry.com/walking-with-wole-soyinka/ https://twitter.com/AfricasaCountry/status/493377455437008896/photo/1
Tom Reiss's The Black Count is Being Adapted for a New Film! http://goo.gl/UHqerD https://twitter.com/medievalpoc/status/493381009053057024/photo/1
22 years ago today my debut album dropped! I love all my fans for rocking with me all these years. Love you xoxo https://twitter.com/maryjblige/status/493642728811421696/photo/1
Medievalpoc Presents: History of POC in Math and Science Week, 8-3-14 through 8-9-14! http://goo.gl/b03Og3 https://twitter.com/medievalpoc/status/493729886360846337/photo/1
'Lucy' and the Absence of the Black Race in Origin of Humanity Theories - Link: http://bit.ly/WKRQhX https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/493949017316134913/photo/1
SOUND FOREST : A Sound Room I created where the visuals are generated by the sound > http://vimeo.com/101880388
InCycle Video: Tour de France's first Chinese rider Cheng Ji - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9JfptPMv-w&feature=youtube_gdata
A Better Queue will change the way you watch Netflix forever. http://coolmomtech.com/2014/07/a-better-queue-website-netflix-search/
Do you know where your clothes come from? http://ow.ly/zyrRv https://twitter.com/Visually/status/492736154370715648/photo/1
Black Homeowners Are Worse Off Today Than They Were 40 Years Ago http://fb.me/2GjleUoUt
Who Are the Unbanked? http://ow.ly/zIxiH via @worldbank https://twitter.com/Visually/status/494181017662808064/photo/1
Atari: Game Over Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIaWAyHIqok
The A to Z of the Best of Egypt Tour in May 2015. Book your place NOW! More info: http://conta.cc/1pEwShn http://ow.ly/i/650K
Duke Ellington: A Life On the Road : The Art of Non-Conformity http://chrisguillebeau.com/duke-ellington-a-life-on-the-road/
Seriously going to have to rescue a kitt or pup if I want to feel physically loved on the daily.
The New Instability http://nyti.ms/1zg8Yd2 Fascinating column on the new rules of marriage, for the rich and for the poor.
"@theoQuotes: Don't give relationship advice when you, yourself have a shitty relationship."
How Turkish women had the last laugh http://i100.io/qTZP4ui
Walter Mosley Adapting 'Devil in a Blue Dress' for Broadway w/ Branford Marsalis Scoring http://bit.ly/1k4X1n0 https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/493951935213744128/photo/1
sexist accusations aside, an educated woman's wholistic relationship with her indigenous roots is what is most beautiful about her
Famous parting words from defeated aliens! http://bit.ly/1nKqrpZ https://twitter.com/account/suspended
[]( "Asia Leeds [AsiaLeeds]") “@LamontLilly: #Ironers | by Jacob Lawrence https://twitter.com/LamontLilly/status/493382584177790976/photo/1” ❤️ my favorite painter
Rowan Ricardo Phillips - Lunch Poems - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FkEZOhWo0U&feature=youtube_gdata
[]( "Rebecca Enonchong [africatechie]") Africa Needs Science, Not Aid - NYT http://nyti.ms/1tBLVZQ
"#Gaza is going to test who believes in the worth of human beings." ~Archbishop Desmond Tutu http://aje.me/1nff7O9 https://twitter.com/VoicesofGaza/status/495668551391641601/photo/1
kids, don't call it racism; call it Wagnerian indignation
racism (and sexism) is of the assumption that people are born morally bankrupt and will die genetically inclined toward incompetence
racism is based on brutish absolutism so it misses out on the poetics Einsteinian relativity
The Whitewashing of James Brown: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gregory-allen-howard/whitewashing-of-james-brown_b_5638130.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
racism is also a disagreement about what is beautiful
racism uses genetics to justify the thievery of economics
[]( "Duke of Kiambushire [Gishuvski]") A very good read ~~~> Charity, Philanthropy and Media Stereotypes: Africa’s new colonialists? http://wp.me/p3HucV-Qy via @WritersofColour
#racism is also about generating ridiculously complex intellectual arguments for having barbaric, backward views of the world
#racism is not the core problem---the core problem is patriarchy as imperialism
[]( "Dr. Vandana Shiva [drvandanashiva]") Food is a right not a commodity . #Food sovereignty is the rule not #freetrade http://www.livemint.com/Politics/R1fIXweMJHelr9NVlTyoqL/7-reasons-why-Indias-WTO-food-security-stand-is-right.html
Really dig this. How to eat well on $4/day. A cookbook aimed at low income fams boils over into big hit. Good stuff: http://theplate.nationalgeographic.com/2014/08/01/a-cookbook-to-help-food-stamp-recipients-cook-cheaply-becomes-a-massive-viral-hit/#.U97Z_Ycx0vg.twitter
[]( "Rebecca Enonchong [africatechie]") Nigeria’s leading indigenous automobile manufacturer Innoson To Export Cars To West Africa http://bit.ly/1xJyswW
back in 2009: Suicide Increasing Rapidly Among Young, Black Males - Higher Education http://diverseeducation.com/article/12245/
If I join @ajplus family, I will work hard to improve the awareness people have of Africa & empower Africans. #Fellow https://twitter.com/Tseday/status/496252807142719488/photo/1