“The Anxieties of Being a Black Poet in Britain” and other Tweeted Links…
The Anxieties of Being a Black Poet in Britain http://wp.me/p1wVxc-ck
An Interview With Ngugi wa Thiong'o » http://weblog.liberatormagazine.com/2009/05/interview-with-ngugi-wa-thiongo.html
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. - Maya Angelou
Head doctor fighting Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone contracts the deadly virus - http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/568301/s/3cca9920/sc/7/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cworldnews0Cafricaandindianocean0Csierraleone0C10A986310A0CHead0Edoctor0Efighting0EEbola0Eoutbreak0Ein0ESierra0ELeone0Econtracts0Ethe0Edeadly0Evirus0Bhtml/story01.htm
This helps explain how Palestinians are 2nd class citizens in their own homeland. #GazaUnderAttack https://twitter.com/MariamVeiszadeh/status/492646267718094848/photo/1
"A Terrifying Night in Gaza": Sharif Abdel Kouddous Reports on Israeli Ground Invasion - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmGkcszvCjo&feature=youtube_gdata
Nothing says "minimize civilian casualties" like using flechette shells against civilians. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israel-using-flechette-shells-in-gaza?CMP=twt_gu https://twitter.com/MahmoudRamsey/status/490877475497324546/photo/1
Higher Education and Rising Inequality http://fb.me/2jvBqCx68
[]( "GrooveSDC [GrooveSDC]") There's an awful tendency for some people to conflate what they think with what is actually happening. Resist this @SunbeamTiger66
We r so use to complaining on panels + re-stating problems we forgot ideas, innovation, solutions @rolandsmartin #newsonenow @keithellison
[]( "@lupingcayisa [lupingcayisa]") Arts &Culture shouldn't just celebrate and fund Djs & concerts. Instead they must focus on programmes with content. https://twitter.com/lupingcayisa/status/491185051984736256/photo/1
[]( "Jossianna Arroyo [JossiannaA]") This Is What James Baldwin Wrote About Israel and Palestine in 1979 http://fw.to/2lnpeIE
@Akilahh__ @AfricasaCountry British-posh ancient Egyptians is a colonial tradition just like British-posh ancient Romans, far from Italy
[]( "GrooveSDC [GrooveSDC]") Unfortunately your inability to understand my point is not my burden. Sorry @SunbeamTiger66 @rbonne1
[]( "Rah [IamRah]") @KinteSpace Did ur ego make u unfollow me because I said something u didn't like? Lol U should study urself. Peace.
The trolls monitor my location and whom I communicate with which has led me to share much less in the past year for safety reasons
@AsiaLeeds we all have an imperial self and an indigenous self, more indigenous please 😇
Angela Davis&Toni Morrison / How do we become whole after traumas that threaten to splinter souls? http://weblog.liberatormagazine.com/2011/06/angela-davis-and-toni-morrison-literacy.html
NAACP leadership is scattered and unfocused -- meanwhile LaRaza, AIPAC, HRC Is VERY focused #NewsOneNow @rolandsmartin
i think some of yall revel in the ability to complain more than you care about trying to find solutions to the issues you complain about
16 years since John Henrik Clarke joined the Ancestors. Larry Crowe & I working in his papers @ the Schomburg Center. https://twitter.com/AfricanaCarr/status/490481342078287872/photo/1
Photo: got2boshun: riseoftheblackqueen: This is one of my favorite pictures ever Work Mother! The glasses. http://tmblr.co/ZXLEXy1LwX5NS
SuperMegaUltraGroovy http://supermegaultragroovy.com/ #musicdecompiler
@ErikaHartgrove here in LA I have never seen wild/black/forbidden rice at a farmers market, please ask around for CA-based leads
@ErikaHartgrove my note-to-self is to budget organic for bulk foods first https://kintespace.com/rasxlog/?p=1940
[]( "Mother Earth [ErikaHartgrove]") Black rice. Learn about it. https://twitter.com/ErikaHartgrove/status/490579705176002560/photo/1
The Power of Art: Locking the Spirits of Angola's Modernist Architecture in Photographs (1950-1975) http://weblog.liberatormagazine.com/2014/07/architecture-as-container-of-time-and.html