“New Frantz Fanon documentary confronts fallacies about anti-colonial philosopher” and other Tweeted Links…
Must see: New Frantz Fanon documentary confronts fallacies about anti-colonial philosopher http://gu.com/p/4vxkj/tw https://twitter.com/BenHCarrington/status/498122606709833728/photo/1
A chapter by chapter analysis of Frantz Fanon's "Black Skin White Masks" http://fb.me/1qBA1DaQx
"A Hideous Atrocity": Noam Chomsky on Israel's Assault on Gaza & U.S. Support for the Occupation - Y… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BX0MOmDM8I&feature=youtube_gdata
in the traditional-human context, relationships are building blocks of #communalism---not modern consumerism
yo, black, the dystopian, apocalyptic, sci-fi-scale future is right now and Matt Damon is not going to save your ass
[]( "Think Africa Press [ThinkAfricaFeed]") Speak it, Tweet it, Keep it: Reaffirming the Pride & Place of African Languages http://buff.ly/V0Jod7
[]( "Mpangila Mturuwabazi [mturuwabazi]") #KotetamKadresBeLike "ጎርፍ ለስራ አጥ ኢትዮጵያውያን የሚፈጥረውን የስራ እድል ወደ ጎን መተው የኒዮ ሊበራልነት ምልክት ነው::" http://www.ethiotube.net/video/31624 https://twitter.com/mturuwabazi?protected_redirect=true
Did yall know that @JedidahIslerPhD is the FIRST Black woman to earn a PhD in Astronomy from Yale? Follow her because she is AMAZING
in the Blackness of the atom is The Witness #rasx #ruthefordatom #atom "rambling"
like Galileo u imagine the vacuum while every catholic around u says it does not exist- that is what it is to be Black, educated, informed
when @neiltyson said there was only one man in the universe that knew about infinity, he slipped into an ironic, religious statement #cosmos
[]( "Sylvia Plath [aSylviaPlath]") If I didn't think, I'd be much happier.
Yup. RT @dopegirlfresh: we've all been exposed to the idea that to be black is to be wrong. transgressive.
Africa was agile and self-organizing with declarative markup set in stone. Then it was conquered by evangelists of imperative programming.
[]( "Nex6|Bill [Ghost6Shell]") Ebola Cure Not Fully Developed Because Big Pharma Not Interested In Saving Lives Of Poor People In Africa http://feedly.com/e/sKJ6x9CH via @feedly
America invested in science, naija invested in Religion. Ebola arrived, Nigerians are praying for American science... https://twitter.com/naijaboyblog/status/497329441513938944/photo/1
White supremacy stay convincing Black people that they are too good for Black people.
The Dark Side of Academia http://wp.me/pNPMD-4yp
Explain that to me with your flawless logic and frozen demeanor
[]( "Science Facts [factssc]") "The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise" - Edsger Dijkstra
When people are impressed by Kanye's rants, thinking that he's so deep, it makes me realize how deep they are not.
[]( "Tech Facts [DailyTechFacts]") John Hodgman, the PC in the long-running "I'm a Mac" ad campaign, uses a Mac
Do 4.2 million children really need Ritalin? Dr. Sanford Newmark suggests we may be over-prescribing. Watch: http://www.uctv.tv/shows/28400
Why Black Children Need to Read & Write Science Fiction http://wp.me/p1wCBE-4m via @wordpressdotcom
kids, some things will be irretrievably #racist otherwise it would mean going out of #business
Dear @CNN, the area you marked "Nigeria" is actually "Niger"; Nigeria is the area below it. Get a map-reader, please! https://twitter.com/gimbakakanda/status/496934509724831744/photo/1