“Arlene Wandera—DAK’ART 2014 [@DakArtBiennale]” and other Tweeted Links…
Arlene Wandera - DAK'ART 2014 http://www.biennaledakar.org/2014/spip.php?article213 @ArleneWandera @DakArtBiennale
The 60-year journey of the ashes of Alain Locke, father of the Harlem Renaissance http://lib.mg/1BBiFE6
Turning a pejorative on its head - “NDAWI TEY: FECC REKK? / ALL THEY DO IS DANCE?” campaign by photographer Nina... http://fb.me/4dAX4EcNP
but I definitely think, on a micro level, there is something rebellious and vocal about your mere existence being an affront to conditioning
RT @ClassicAlbumSun: RT @madotie @MassiveAttackUK with funk legend @george_clinton in #Marseille yesterday. https://twitter.com/ClassicAlbumSun/status/491998749871206400/photo/1
Robin Williams - Inside The Actors Studio - FULL Video - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IDy5GlUuf8
Plot Notes present in sound sample - Mathematica Stack Exchange http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/46069/plot-notes-present-in-sound-sample?rq=1
tell me little girl what kind of little love under you? -'Maxwell Street' Jimmy Davis
[]( "African Proverbs [AF_Proverbs]") When the brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their father's estate. ~Proverb from the Ibo People of Nigeria
Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs related to Ugandans - DNA - Reviews & Profiles - http://monitor.co.ug/ http://www.monitor.co.ug/artsculture/Reviews/Ancient-Egyptian-Pharaohs-related-to-Ugandans---DNA/-/691232/2419938/-/view/printVersion/-/oo6dhpz/-/index.html
THE BLUEPRINT FOR BLACK POWER ~ DR AMOS WILSON: http://youtu.be/IvZ3nTYmRxU via @nubiahoodradio
Poets Are Hurting | The Chimurenga Chronic http://chimurengachronic.co.za/poets-are-hurting/
Fact: There aren't nearly enough good books on photography from Africa, making this project a worthwhile investment http://www.anotherafrica.net/photography/ojeikere-a-compelling-monograph-on-a-photographic-legend
Ojeikere, A Compelling Monograph on a Photographic Legend | Another Africa http://www.anotherafrica.net/photography/ojeikere-a-compelling-monograph-on-a-photographic-legend?utm_source=feedly&utm_reader=feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ojeikere-a-compelling-monograph-on-a-photographic-legend
Recent additions to Netflix's streaming library: Eve's Bayou, Poetic Justice, Vampire in Brooklyn
[]( "Khemenut Wilhite [khemenut]") I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/jnZg5q9Oacc?a Rhythmic Gymnastics Paradise Peponi African Style Piano guys - montage
So Zapp & Roger's "Computer Love" was years ahead of its time, painting a vision of the future, with online dating today and sh*t....
Amazing. Nearly every #NewsOneNow is talking Ray Rice but ignoring FEDERAL JUDGE Mark Fuller beating his wife. Wow.
Report: Israel Unlawfully Coercing African Migrants to Leave http://owl.li/BiWP9
What the Whole Foods-Monsanto connection really means « Jon Rappoport's Blog http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/02/26/what-the-whole-foods-monsanto-connection-really-means/