“Manchester school bans nine-year-old boy from Sierra Leone over parents’ fears he has Ebola” and other Tweeted Links [feat. @Blackamazon]
Manchester school bans nine-year-old boy from Sierra Leone over parents’ fears he has Ebola http://ind.pn/1BQWhov https://twitter.com/Independent/status/519818295877574656/photo/1
Nigerian health workers volunteer to fight #ebola in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone
[]( "melissa jacobs [deathrep]") Study: Rich give less to charity as low and middle income people give more http://www.salon.com/2014/10/06/study_rich_give_less_to_charity_as_low_and_middle_income_people_give_more/ via @Salon
[]( "African Proverbs [AF_Proverbs]") To love the king is not bad, but a king who loves you is better. ~Wolof Proverb
[]( "Gem Jones [shugnice]") All these black celebrities telling us being black is horrible. Smh This is what happens when you give the brain dead a platform to speak
Demonstrators interrupt St. Louis Symphony with breathtaking #Ferguson protest [VIDEO] http://slnm.us/kMIpgRa https://twitter.com/Salon/status/519126462340009984/photo/1
social media will likely make self-described "white people" less concerned about "the other" because of the lack of online "gratitude"
We don't need statements or press conferences or sound bites from politicians and elected officials. We need justice.
NYTimes: Boston Police Focus on Blacks in Disproportionate Numbers, Study Shows http://nyti.ms/1sfwJS6
Black Men, sit down and talk to your son/s. These are some serious times we are living in.
Why America Won't Match Sweden's Cheap, Fast, Competitive Internet Services - Slashdot http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/10/08/1543208/why-america-wont-match-swedens-cheap-fast-competitive-internet-services?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
[]( "Rebecca Enonchong [africatechie]") The $50 smartphone will drive mobile in Africa http://bit.ly/1qgx2pj
But how is it that women in tech and feminists keep missing this ?
How are we going to imagine multiple identities in multiple dimensions? WITHOUT defaulting to appropriation of people's lives?
How we manage to improve DV for "women " but not Black women and still say all women?
Because folks want credentials and shit and I've been told to brag
I've been a blogger of " note" for nearly ten years , so all these trends yall scrambling about I've been there
And NO THING has changed not a blessed thing
They workshopped on us . They perfected passive aggressive niceness and " important" issues on us
I'm not even angry I'm just wondering what it will take for us to have these conversations
Our white counterparts are more likely to speak up for themselves and have a healthy sense of entitlement #DDNSiliconValley
If I have a good idea that the world thinks is a bad idea, I'm going to make a lot of money #DDNSiliconValley
#AIG #Mbu's Dance Of Madness By #CharlesOfoji Read More… http://bit.ly/1sbA7wd https://twitter.com/SaharaReporters/status/519893570007085056/photo/1
"What could make a woman become so dark? To lose all sense of her maternity, her womanhood, and her softness?'" https://twitter.com/ZalUIbaorimi/status/520066842887729152
What books do for the soul and the 4 psychological functions of great literature http://buff.ly/1BW4DLL https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/520182572257902592/photo/1