“She Tweeted Against the Mexican Cartels. They Tweeted Her Murder” and other Tweeted Links…
She Tweeted Against the Mexican Cartels. They Tweeted Her Murder. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/10/21/she-tweeted-against-the-mexican-cartels-they-tweeted-her-murder.html?via=desktop&source=twitter via @thedailybeast
Tech in #oakland and the potential fallout! @TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/2014/10/20/oakland/ #displacement #techboom
Bill Cosby - Negro History Lost, Stolen or Strayed... http://blackmediamine.blogspot.com/2014/04/bill-cosby-negro-history-lost-stolen-or.html?spref=tw
born in brainwash; discover yr great heritage; tweet; no lasting deeds done in love for great heritage; new generation born; rinse, repeat
Feminist™: The person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of privileged white women.
.@neiltyson treats history like an exact science which makes him look ironically religious
Subtlety is the name of the game. If you can't be subtle, your weakness will show.
Corporations are not employing people for their true value, only for the opportunity to take the most strapped and virtually imprison them.
In India, call centre work is breeding a new colonialism. http://scroll.in/article/684839/In-India-call-centre-work-is-breeding-a-new-colonialism via @scroll_in
am i the only person who's bothered by all these memes n mantras stating that 4 some reason u should only ever b around happiness?
I like my rappers to actually know how to rap.
The day Jon Stewart quit: Why “The Daily Show” isn’t the satire America needs http://www.salon.com/2014/10/18/the_day_jon_stewart_quit_why_the_daily_show_isnt_the_satire_america_needs/ via @Salon
This tells me modern media is NOT OUR FRIEND. It seems designed to bring out the worst in society TO PROFIT FROM ITS SELF LOATHING.
Artist Wangechi Mutu on the genesis of ‘Even’, an artwork in her latest exhibition Nguva na Nyoka’ (Sirens and... http://fb.me/2tK4N7GDr
Is the sum greater than its parts? Michele Mathison’s sculptures questions how the individual relates the to the... http://fb.me/2LUddUYV4
The Abandoned Airport in Congo that Became a Playground : The Art of Non-Conformity http://chrisguillebeau.com/abandoned-airport-in-congo/
Beaten, trapped, abused and underpaid – migrant domestic workers in the UAE http://gu.com/p/42y48/tw
"Nobody is talking about this" is a very loaded statement, as discussed earlier. Meaning "nobody you think is important or worthy".
you can also use social media to measure how people treat each other, getting beyond how people treat you
"You're attacking me" = I have no valid counterargument and am annoyed because you won't allow for my colonial jackassery to affect u.
1 in 3 Americans are on file in the FBI's criminal database http://factually.gizmodo.com/1-in-3-americans-are-on-file-in-the-fbis-criminal-datab-1649101073
50 years ago today, Sartre became the first person to turn down the Nobel Prize – here's why: http://buff.ly/1sO5MTz https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/524898232024203264/photo/1
'So why over 50 years after decolonisation does white supremacy and white privilege continue to manifest in East Africa?'
@NiNanjira we tend to underestimate the power of ideology in people who claim to have none and the legacy of missionary child stealing...
'Why are phrases such as ‘African timing’ or ‘African standards’ used in a derogatory fashion?’ http://bit.ly/ZGm5Hs
@NiNanjira it will always be so as long the production of nuclear weapons is the benchmark of “high” civilization...
It's Time to Talk About Race in Latin@ Communities https://nacla.org/news/2014/10/16/let%E2%80%99s-talk-about-race-latin-communities #LATISM #Afrolatino
EVICTION PLANS IN THE CARDS FOR ZIMBABWE’S LANDLESS POOR | Black Star News http://www.blackstarnews.com/global-politics/africa/eviction-plans-in-the-cards-for-zimbabwe%E2%80%99s-landless-poor.html
For Alfred Nobel’s birthday, the dark origin story of how the Nobel Prize was born http://buff.ly/1yf1qX7 https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/524546176243490816/photo/1
The two week countdown continues for Christopher Nolan's #Interstellar in 35mm at all locations! Reserve now: http://ow.ly/Cagby